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Kiri: Hey.

Baku: No.

Kiri: Wha? I just said 'hey'? Be nice. 😣

Baku: And I said 'no'. Fuck off.

Kiri: I have a dilemma...

Baku: I don't care.

Kiri: You see, this guy asked me out and I don't even know him. Alot of people are encouraging me to give him a chance but I don't really want to.

Baku: Then don't.

Baku: Just because other people tell you, you have to doesn't mean you should.

Kiri: I know.

Kiri: But the guy is kinda sweet. I'd feel bad. Plus it's only one date, right?

Baku: I still don't think you should.

Baku: Actually I don't care.

Baku: Fuck off.

Kiri: You should meet him!

Baku: WTF why?

Kiri: I want you to tell me if he's worth it or not!

Baku: That's not for me to decide, shitty hair.

Kiri: But I need a friend's opinion!

Kiri: Pleassseeee?!

Baku: No.

Kiri: I'll do anything!

Baku: Will you shut up?

Kiri: Nooo! Please let me add himmmm!!!

Baku: No.

Kiri: 😣😣

Baku: Stop making weird conversations.

Kiri: 😣😣

Baku: You've been really weird lately. Just stop.

Kiri: No you're right. I guess I should just back off.

Baku: Yeah you should.

Kiri: I'll leave UA and will become a truck driver. I'll then crash the truck into a tree and cry before I drift off into a permanent sleep with no dream...just darkness...


Kiri: Yayy! 😊

Kiri has added Mira

Kiri: Hey Mira. How are you?

Mira: idk want to d8 yet?

Kiri: What's with that sudden question?

Mira: i wanna see that body of yours 😉🔥

Kiri: Are you joking?

Mira: bout what?

Mira: oh nah im not joking. u hot asf

Kiri: Please stop. You're making me uncomfortable.

Mira: you know you like it baby 🔥👌

Kiri: I obviously don't. I'd assume you never wanted a date in the first place, huh?

Mira: ofc not. nobody goes on 'dates' nowadays baby. us teens have alot more fun 🔥

Mira: why don't you come over and I'll show you what im talking about?

Baku: You better back the fuck off. He doesn't want you or your small dick so I suggest you leave him alone from now on or I'll make sure you burn to a crisp.

Mira: rly? as if you would make me burn. plus kiri is a lik slut lmao

Mira: he wants meee 👌🔥💦💦

Kiri: Fuck off.

Kiri has removed Mira from the chat
Kiri has blocked Mira.

Baku: Where the fuck did you meet that prick? What's his fucking address?

Kiri: I don't want to talk right now.

Kiri: I'm sorry I've got you caught in all this.

Kiri: Bye.

Kiri is offline

Baku: Kirishima don't waste your time on that prick.

Baku: Date someone better. Like me.

Kiri is online


Baku: I was joking...

Kiri: Lol I know.

Kiri: But thanks.

Baku: You know that dating isn't all that there is to life, right?

Kiri: I know.

Baku: Why did you even consider hanging out with that guy?

Kiri: He seemed sweet. And I've always had it in my head that I had wanted to meet someone I trust and experience things with them like kissing, hugging, holding hands...

Kiri: It's stupid, I know.

Baku: If you ever want practice with that shit I'll help you.


Baku: Yeah. Holding hands is fucking easy.

Kiri: Oh you poor sweet innocent bean...

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