Chapter 1.0 - The Twisted Fantasy Rich and Underworld; A.K.A Mafia World

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Feng Xian felt his head pounding so hard that he couldn't even stay unconscious. This isn't a normal circumstances at all. For some reason, his body felt like he is been torn apart from inside out and something is just clawing inside him, trying to eat him, his consciousness and his sanity.

His throat was parched, drying to the extend of wanting water but not at the same time. He crave for something and if he didn't get what he needs, he would be tormented by this endless torment.

This is the first time that he felt truly horrible and wanting to shred himself into pieces.

The only thing he could do right now is to struggling to retain his consciousness, bear the endless torment and promptly force him to open his eyes to know where exactly he is.

The first thing that greets him is the brightness of a place. Or rather, he is in a room, alone. It was bright and there were tons of natural light in the room that could blind him since the light is too bright.

It took him some time to get use to his surrounding. This time, he could make out the room's layout. It turns out to be a familiar, 21st century modern style bedroom.

He is currently on a king-sized bed and currently in a young body around sixteen to eighteen-year-old boy. The bedroom had an overpowering aura that spells rich and arrogance, like a spoil young master that gets whatever he wanted from his parents and get away with everything.

But what he is focusing more is his own body. He felt something really, really wrong and it is something that he is familiar with.

Well, who wouldn't if they had experience the similar experience of what he had gone through? With his enhanced memories, he definitely knew what is wrong with this body.

The body that he currently possessed is heavily dosed with drugs. And it is definitely not those ordinary medicinal drugs.

No. It is pure drugs that all drug addicts had taken to delusion themselves and get themselves addicted towards those feelings and taste.

Right now, his body is at the brink of breaking down due to overdose of drugs and it really hurt him so bad that he was tormented by those torturers in one of the tutorial world.

"A-Alexa..." He choked. To even utter a word is taking a huge toll on him. He couldn't even think straight, let alone rationally.

Alexa didn't need for him to utter any words and immediately sets up a soundproof barrier. Right now, no one supposed to know the uncontrollable raging desire from Feng Xian.

It would put Feng Xian even more dangerous if this is exposed. Right now, Feng Xian didn't know who is the body that he had occupy and he is definitely powerless to even protect himself.

Only Alexa knew whose body he had taken over. The room is not soundproof and leaving Feng Xian here alone is like leaving him to the wolves. It would only warrant unwanted attention and there were spies everywhere.

To prevent any suspect, Alexa immediately take an action and shove the Feng Xian's newly occupied body into Xinghai space once more for recovery.

This is the only best way for Feng Xian to recover the body since time flows slower in real world compared to in Xinghai space.

In the meantime, her entire being starts to glow bright and started to form a solid physical body. Once her body had become completely in physical form, she slowly changed her body to Feng Xian's newly occupied body.

Her silky, long black hair turns to short, silver messy hair. Her eyes remain sharp but her iris color has turn from golden to soft emerald.

Her physical body slowly turning from woman to man.

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