7 - Here Comes the Sun

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"Guys...." You say, though it isnt in your voice. You let out a fox's bark, but as an Animagus you can understand other animals and they you. It turns out, not many of them say much, but the stag, dog, and rat that are around you all understand.

You all look towards a tree that the werewolf had curled up next to. The sun is rising, signaling the morning of Halloween. Pink and orange light settles on the leaves of the Forbidden Forest, and as a ray of it falls on Lupins gray skin, his transformation begins.

"This wont be pretty." Sirius barks as you all turn to the boy. His skin fades to its light pink shade, and his bones begin to crack once more. Blood seeps from Moonys wounds as he claws at his skin, tearing it as he tries to escape the pain. His muzzle shrinks to human lips as he lets out whimpers and his hair comes back. After what seems like hours, his bones have crumbled back to two hundred and six human ones, his internal organs have been compresed to their usual place, and the boy in front of you is left tired and in agony. Tears spill over his eyes as you run at him, still in fox form.

You look at him, then back to the others. Wormtail is hoisted in Prongs' antlers, and Sirius has joined you at Lupins side. You push your red body beneath him, then shift out of your Animagus form. Sirius follows your lead, and you carry the boy towards James. You set the mess of a man on his auburn back, facing the sun as it rises over the hills. Hogwarts is starting to wake up, which means you have to get back before anyone catches you sneaking in. With a nod of understanding, you all hurry towards the castle.


You rush down the stone halls, dragging the limp body of your friend with you. You have him slung over one of your shoulders and the other three are making sure no one catches you as you hurry towards the hospital wing. You round one more corner, and find yourself colliding with a strange force. You look up at it as you readjust Lupins mass.

"Hello, Gryffindor." Severus Snape declares, glaring at you with his jet black eyes and long raven hair. "What are you doing wandering the halls? Getting into trouble by the look of your pitiful friend?"

"Back off, Snivellus!" You shout at him as you try to push past him. He side steps to block your way.

"This isnt your business, Snape!" James says, getting out his wand. Its sad really, you know that the Slytherin can be kind; at least to Lily Evans. "Get out of the way!"

"What is the meaning of this?" You all turn, hearing a feminine voice that isnt that of a peer. Minerva McGonagall stands behind you, looking at each of you in turn. Her wise eyes land on Remus, and she goes rigid.

"Mister Snape, you are dismissed. Go back to your common room, immediately." Snape listens to his teacher, briskly stepping down the hallway. Minerva lets out a sigh as she glances down the walls stone. She doesnt see anyone else, then crouches down to your level and whispers.

"We must get him to Madam Pomfrey, the full moon doesn't ever go well with him." She confirms your suspicions that she knows. Though this should concern you, you and the others are far too worried about Lupin to think of anything but getting him to safety.


"Hey, I think he's waking up!" You exclaim, looking over at your friend. The hospital wing is a rectangular room with, you gueesed it, stone walls. Narrow yet incredibly tall windows decorate the hall, and rows of twin beds with thin blue sheets are pushed against the gray walls. It is empty, luckily, except for Remus in his own corner. James, Sirius, and Peter all run to his side. His eyes flutter open, and you grin.

"Here comes the sun doo doo doo doo, here comes the sun~" You sing the words, which causes the other boys to laugh and Remus to groan.

"Lovely thing to wake up too. Werent you afraid of me? Im horrifying...." He mutters, rubbing his head. He pushes his back against the headrest. Madam Pomfrey has patched up all his cuts and scratches, its obvious that most of the staff are aware of Lupin's condition.

"Forgive us if we aren't trembling at the sight of you." You say, brushing a strand of (h/c) out of your face to see Moony smile a bit broader.

"Youve been out for a few hours, mate." James says, jerking a thumb to the nearby metal nightstand. "(Y/N) and Peter went to the kitchens and made soup."

"It turns out I can cook and Peter can taste." You mutter, glaring at Wormtail. He shrugs as Remus takes the tomato soup.

"Thanks. I'm really tired, so you guys can go if you want." You all frown at the scar faced teenager. Then, an idea strikes your mind.

"Well, Prongs and I have something to do real quick." You say, beaming.

"We do?" You give James a sharp kick in the shin. "I mean....we do." He says as he winces. Remus nods, and the other two boys make small talk with the tired man as you pull James out of the hospital wing. Once you are a few halls down, you face Potter.

"So why the hell did you kick me?" He asks as you run a hand through your hair. You shake your head, thinking that it is obvious.

"Padfoots birthday's in a few days. We have to celebrate."

"What, with a hooker? He'd probably enjoy that." You giggle, but shake your head once more.

"No, Sirius doesnt need a hooker, he's had like every girl in the school, even Marlene McKinnon. What he does need is to have a party." James grins at this, the idea finally clicking.

"Are we-

"Sneaking into Hogsmead and buying a ton of shit?" You said the words at the same time, and you look to see that no one is nearby.

"Lets go!"

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