1 - Memories

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"The name's (Y/N) Gryffindor, wanna join our group?"

"Shut up, Snivellus!"

"Remus, we dont love you any less."

"We made the team! James we made it!"

"Sirius, get a room. Or get to class, we're late for Slughorns."

"Peter, I'm fine. Its just a broken arm."

Full moon.

Nimbus 2000.


"I have a plan."


"Wake up!"

You shoot upwards, knocking your head on something. You rub your (s/c) scalp, parting your eyelids so that you can see. The ground is shaking, and you can hear many muffled voices as your vision comes into focus.

"Gryffindor, wake up. We're almost there." Sirius Black, a kid with wavy raven hair and pale skin says next to you. He smirks boyishly, being such a flirtatious third year. You roll your (e/c) eyes, seeing that you are in the compartment of a train and resting on red leather seats.

"Well, I'm up now." You say, looking at the three who sit across from you. Your dreams are just past memories, thats all. Memories with the boys who sit on the other wall of the small box.

Remus Lupin is at the far end. He has light brown hair and diagonal scars across his white face. He is an awkward height, but he manages to pull it off with his baggy, patchwork sweaters. Next to him sits a plump boy with light blonde hair, his eyes beady and cautious: Peter Pettigrew. Finally, closest to the window sits James Potter. He has 'windswept' onyx hair, piercing hazel eyes, and skin like snow. He often messes up his locks to make it appear as if rustled by the breeze, but thats all to impress his crush Lily. Ever since he became the Gryffindor Chaser and you the Seeker, he's been acting more posh than usual.

"Anyways...." You say, looking out the window at the night sky and rolling emerald hills. "Has anyone figured it out yet?"

A chorus of sighs and groans are heard from the boys around you.

"No." James says, crossing his arms in frustration. He was always fond of Transfiguration, but none of you have been able to figure out how to turn into your Animagus forms yet.

"Guys, this isnt necessary-"

"Yes it is!" You all shout at Remus. The boy with the maimed face shakes his head, looking back into his novel. Such a nerd, that Lupin boy.

Ever since last year, you've been hard at work to figure out the spell. One night, you, Sirius, James, and Peter were all sneaking around the castle searching for your final Marauder. Yes, Marauders. Its the nickname that the teachers and your peers gave the five of you in your first year. You all had grown suspicious of Lupins strange disappearances, and you had noticed they all were on full moons. Sure enough, you had figured out that Remus is a werewolf.

"When we do finally get the hang of them....." Sirius says as the imperial red train car rattles. "What do you think we'll be?"

"Sirius, we've had this talk at least ten times." You say, throwing up your feet and letting them rest on his lap.

"But still." The playboy asks, looking between you all. You shrug, leaning your untamed (h/c) locks against the frigid window.

"I think its going to be a fun surprise." Peter says, smiling. Sirius rolls his eyes, dissapointed by his answer.

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