3 - She Knows

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"Hey, McGonagall!" Sirius calls, swaggering into the teachers classroom. You all are behind him, smiling devilishly. Minerva sighs, standing and walking to greet you all at the door.

"What is it that the five of you want?" She asks, clasping her arms behind her back. You step forward, tucking a loose strand behind your ear.

"May I just say you look ravishing today?"

"As you just did, I assume uou may." She says, raising an eyebrow. You give her an innocent grin.

"We were just wondering-"

"For entirely academic reasons!" James says, butting in. You nod.

"If you knew anything about how someone could, hypothetically, become an Animagus?" She blinks once, peering behind you to see Remus at the back of the group. He stares at the ground, biting his lip. Minerva seems to perk up a bit.

"I am afraid that I cannot." Sirius huffs. "I am not at liberty to tell you that there is a book in the restricted section of the library that would inform you how to become an Animagus. Nor am I able to tell you that Mister Filch will be absent next Sunday from one to five a.m. Im so sorry that these things, I cannot tell you."

Your jaw drops. You didnt expect her to say so much! You turn, seeing Moony smiling slightly. So....McGonagall knows about his lycanthropy. Everyone else has come to the same realization as James nods his head in contentment.

"Totally understand, professor. Not your fault that secrets are secret!" With that, you all hurry back to the Gryffindor tower. You couldn't have planned this better yourself!


Its Saturday now. Filch should be gone as its about two a.m. You all are in your pajamas, and though your protested, James doesn't seem to want to put pants on over his red boxers with golden snitch print. You all are in the common room, the fire roaring next to you.

"Why arent we bringing Moony?" Sirius inquires, his beatles shirt clinging to his toned skin.

"Hes tired and doesn't approve." Peter mumbles, the plump boy tugging on the hem of his shirt. You agree with him, then look to James.

"Got your cloak?" You ask, to which he holds up a brown blanket. It will turn you all invisible as you sneak to the library. You get into a huddle. James leads the way, you and Sirius stand side by side, and Pettigrew brings up the rear. The cloak is tossed over you, and off you go to the library.


"This is hopeless!" Sirius groans, setting down a book and flopping onto his back. You shake your head, flipoing through a few pieces of parchment. Honestly, you should have befriended more Ravenclaws.

"For Remus." You say, shoving the book in a shelf and grabbing another from Peter. This one has a blue cover with silver lettering, and its titled 'Animagi'. Clever title, you must admit. James holds his cloak closer to him, and his legs disappear.

"Should have worn pants." He mumbles, grabbing another novel. You hear snoring, and you glance down. Sirius has his eyes closed, and his long raven hair is covering his face. You kick his shin, and he jumps up.

"Remember why we are here." Peter says, pleading with Sirius. He remembers, and quickly goes back to work. You all really care for the maimed Lupin, and you dont want him to be alone during his transformations. Besides, Halloween is coming up, and a full moon happens two days before.

"Merlins Beard....." You say, your eyes widening. You've found the page. The instructions to become an Animagus! You go to show everyone, but hear a deep voice. Pettigrew grabs the lantern, and you all scurry under Potters cloak. You walk away from the Restricted Section, passing by the owner of the voice on your way out of the library. In the corner, Severus Snape is curled up with a DADA book.

"Snivellus is back at the Dark Arts." Sirius says from your side. You harumph, shaking your messy (h/c) locks.

"Lets just leave." So you do. When you get back to the dorms, Remus is still asleep. You go about trying to get a hang of the spell, but none of you can.


"Three weeks!" You cry maniacally. "Its been three weeks and none of us has this down!"

Peter, Sirius, James and Moony all sit around in a circle. Its eight p.m. on October Twenty First in the dormitory. Yours is filled with Marlene, Alice, and Lily, each panicking that McKinnon had kissed Sirius. Then again, almost every Gryffindor girl has. Then he forgets about it, ans everyone moves on. He's already playing at Ravenclaws.

"I want to die." James says, blinking slowly. His glasses are set on the paper in the middle of the circle, which you all stare at. How long must you wait?! Remus is going to transform in no time, you have to hurry!

"When one of us figures it out, the butter beer is over there." You point beneath Sirius' bed. Its where everything is stored.

"Well, I doubt that will be soon." Black says, pinching his nose. You nearly sob at the realization.

Then you hear a squeak.

Everyone slowly turns their heads, even Remus looks up from his book. Your eyes all lock on the smooth floor, exactly where Peter once sat. Now, a plump mouse is glancing around the room; he seems just as amazed as you.

"FINALLY!" James shouts. Peter has become an Animagus, a mouse, sure, but he did it! With that, chaos errupts in the bedroom. You fall to your knees, kissing the paper that has the answers. Remus crawls onto his bed. James dives at the rat version of Peter, in turn Sirius rolls to his bed. He grabs the bottles of golden liquid, tossing the bubbling glasses to everyone. He sets one in the middle, and James lets the pink and silver rat scamper to the ground. In a flurry of color, the plump blonde boy is on the ground once more and grabbing his drink. You all pop off the caps.

"To Peter!" You shout, raising your glass. Remus comes down to the circle, clinking glasses with the quartet of you.

"To Peter!"

You guzzle down your drinks, the cold beverage a wonderous feeling in your throat that is raw from both crying and shouting to Merlin. If Peter can do it, anyone can! Sure, its a surprise to all of you that he was the first, but the order in which you next did came as a war.

"I bet Ill be next." Sirius says proudly. You give a single, hauty laugh.

"In your dreams! I'm sure it will be me." James says, posing like a hero. You share a look with Remus and Peter. This should be enjoyable, for you are absolutely positive that you'll be the second. Two days later, you are proven correct.

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