5 - A Stag and a Dog

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"Why Vixen?" You ask Peter, or Wormtail as you had all started calling him. He shrugs, looking over to Moony. After the fox fiasco, everyone in Gryffindor was ranting about how a creature could get into your room and how you missed out on the event.

"It was Remus' idea." You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms. Lupin glances up from his book, smiling cockily.

"A vixen is a female fox. Thus, your nickname. You're all getting one if you keep calling me Moony." You cross your legs on Sirius' bed. He and James are out somewhere, trying to become Animagi as usual. Its already been three days, and tomorrow is the full moon. If they dont figure it out, they wont be coming with you and Peter to comfort Remus.

"Well, we arent just gonna stop." You say, throwing your hands up. "Your name pretty much translates to Wolf McWolf, the irony is painful."

He grumbles some sort of insult, then goes back to reading. You and Wormtail talk about potions for the rest of the night, until about nine p.m.

"I'm going to tell the girls Ill be here. I don't want to leave when James and Sirius will probably need saving." Remus lets out a momentary chuckle as Peter nods. You rush out of the stone tower room, over to your dorm. You peer into the archway to see them all chatting about boys.

"Okay.....one, get a different topic, Lily you won't die alone James is head over heels for you. Marlene, you're frickin' awesome, and Alice, you're super sweet. Anyways, I'm going to the boys dorm, talk about something more interesting!"

Your words were quick as you shut the door to your room. You can hear the three complimenting each other like you had just done, and you feel that anything is better than obsessing over guys. You have friends who are a different gender, but no crushes. You think about this until you reach the Marauders room once more. When you get to the door, you are greeted by someone else.

"Give up yet?" You ask James, tilting your head. He grumbles, running a hand down his face.

"I'm not giving up, Im taking a break."

"Riiiight." You say as you enter the room. Potter curls up on his bed, and as Sirius is no where to be seen, you sit on his. You all talk until Wormtail and James fall asleep, and Remus is the only boy awake.

"Arent you going to sleep? You'll need it, you'll be transforming tomorrow night." You say as Remus pulls his knees to his chest.

"I dont want you guys to come, its absolutely insane. What if I hurt one of you?" You frown, pulling your feet off of the red blanket and setting them on the stone floor. The only light is that of the waxing gibbeous and a candle next to R.J's bed. You walk across the room, placing yourself next to Remus on his mattress.

"You could never hurt us, Remus. We're becoming Animagi so that we can be with you, werewolves dont hurt other animals." His head is still tucked into the crease between his legs. He puts his chin on his kneecaps, refusing to meet your eyes.

"I cant control myself. Even if I could, I'm too weak. I'm useless." You huff, wrapping a (s/c) arm around your friend.

"You arent weak, Remus. You're the strongest guy I know. Besides, this argument is pointless. Even if you hurt one of us, we'll always be here for you. We're moon marauders!" He lets his lips curve upward in a smile. You brush a strand out of his face, revealing his scars a bit more.

"Right. We're moon buddies, as Sirius says." You grin.

"Of course." With that, you squeeze him tighter. You sit on his bed, him reading and you practicing spells as you wait for Black to get home. How dedicated is he?


Two a.m. and you are still waiting. Sirius hasnt come back, Remus has fallen asleep, and you are sitting on his bed making sure he doesnt have any more nightmares about his lycanthropy. You run a hand through your messy (h/c) hair, thinling you are going to go back to your dorm.

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