Bad Teacher Part 67- Something's Not Right

Start from the beginning

"Now remember Jeremy this hat represents something special that no matter what you're always brave and you can conquer anything okay do you promise to take good care of it.?" he said Jeremy smiles and nods his head

"Good job Jeremy." Zac said smiling as he salutes him and Jeremy repeats what he does

"At ease little buddy now it's time for bed we'll see you in the morning okay." Nick said Wilmer mouths thank you to the guys as he walks out 

"Okay Jeremy has to be the cutest kid on the planet." said Zac

"Yeah he is." I said they both sit down and I looked at Demi and I sighed

"Guys there's something I have to tell you." I said there smiles dropped as soon as they heard the tone of my voice their smiles dropped

"What is it.?" Nick said

"Stephanie caused the ambush...she disabled the security firewalls that led enemy fire onto the base...she's still on the loose." I said I see the look on their faces and they show no emotiong they were in shock then Zac's jaw clenched and he slammed his fist onto the wall scaring all of us

"Why didn't they tell us this! I swear to God when I find her I'll make her pay for this!" he yelled

"Zac calm down!" Nick said

"How can I calm down when she almost killed you! she killed Riley and she almost killed Alex and I!" he yelled as he sat down and breathed heavily as he began to cry a little. Demi slowly get's out of the hospital bed and holds onto the I.v stand and gently walks over to Zac she was still too weak to move but she managed to walk to him and she put her hand on his back and whispered to him

"Zac I need you to look at me okay..." she said he slowly looks up at her with his eyes watery with tears

"She's not going to get away with this okay they're going to find her and bring her to justice that way she can pay for what she did but as of right now you have to be strong for Nick,Alex and I especially Riley because we can't let one person bring all of us down." she said he nods his head and Demi gently wraps her arms around his neck as Zac hugs her back

"Thank you Demi.." Zac said

"Anything for a friend." she said Zac helps Demi get back into the hospital bed and he says

"It's getting pretty late we're going to get settled into our new place thanks Demi again for letting us rent your old house we're now neighbors." said Nick

"No problem guys have fun and we'll see you two in the morning." Demi said

"Bye guys" I said

"Bye you two." said Zac

As they both left I called Wilmer to make sure they made it to the house safe he said they were fine and that Jeremy was now sound asleep I smiled and thanked him for taking care of him. The nurses said Demi would have to stay in the hospital for a few more days since she's still to weak and bruised from everything she went through I held onto her the whole night until she fell asleep but I couldn't sleep I had a terrible feeling that something was wrong.

Zac's POV

After we made it to our new place I see Wilmer in the living room of Alex's house watching tv with Jeremy sleeping next to him I'm glad to know he's there protecting them during all this, when we walked in I went into my room and Nick went into his he could tell I was upset and angry by all this and I could tell he felt the same way. I stayed up a little bit because I couldn't sleep I had a bad feeling and I couldn't shake it off I look over at my clock and it was now 1 am I sighed and decided to call it a night I reached to turn off the light on my bed side and I see a picture of Alex and I, I grab it and smile a little at the words she wrote on the back of it "Thank You For Giving Me The Greatest Experience Of My Life I Love You Guys-Alex" I put it back to where it was and when I was about to turn off the light I hear a loud crash coming from outside. I quickly put on my muscle shirt and I was still wearing my combat pants so I just put on my boots and ran outside I didn't wake up Nick since it probably wouldn't be anything serious but I wanted to make sure everything was okay. I walked up to Alex's front porch and I see a broken vase on the floor near the staircase I looked through the window and I see the living room is a mess I went for the door hoping it Wilmer would answer but when I reached the door it was cracked open I walked inside and I see everything upside down

"Wilmer.?" I called out but no response then I realized that Jeremy was alos here I ran upstairs and went to the door that had pictures on it I open the door to find him not in his bed I look down and I see the hat I gave him

"Oh god Jeremy where are you it's me your uncle Zac!" I yelled as I felt a tear escape my eye but nothing as I went downstairs looking all over the house but nothing as I was about to call the police in the other room I hear another slam coming from the kitchen I ran to where I heard the noise and once I reached the kitchen doorway I got hit in the head by hard object knocking me unconscious. Before I passed out I saw a figure walk in front of me and I see a unconscious Wilmer tied up on the floor and a voice in the distance says

"Fuck I got the wrong person...bring the car around and don't hurt the kid I think this guy right here can be useful also get him in the van and let's go!" I heard them say

"Oh Zac you're going to bring Alex right to me and this time she'll finally be gone forever and so will you and your brother." they said my eyes got heavy and I blacked out I had no idea where I was going but one thing is for sure that whoever kidnapped me is going to regret it once I wake up and beat the shit out of all of them.

(Hey guys sorry for the LONGEST WAIT EVER! but I had personal issues I had to take care of but I'm okay now:) but anyway hope you all liked this update and tell me what you want to happen or what do you think might happen next follow me on twitter for any updates or questions I follow back it's @Lovatic4life92_ Love you all night!)

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