The Trial and The Nursery

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Two months had passed since Sorcha had moved in with Oliva and now she was eight months pregnant."Sorcha wake up sweatheart, I know you don't want to but the trial is today.". The father refused to take a plea so now they had to go to court and testify. "okay mom." the awakened redead said . Today might be tough for everyone. Sorcha got out of her warm bed and got dressed. She chose her black long sleeve dress that went down to her knees. Even though she bought the dress two sizes bigger and it was not a form fitting dress, it was now. The baby bump had more than doubled in size and was definitaly noticable now. After she put the dress on she put leggings on underneath. "We have to leave in ten minutes." Olivia said when she went into her daughters room."Okay can you help me with my hair and my shoes?" she asked emarassed. "Of course." Olivia grabbed the brush. The girl sat on her bed while her mother brushed her hair. Then proceeded to help her put on the pair of shoes she had chosen.
     Once they were in the car Sorcha became nervous. The realization that she would have to sit in front of a lot of people and tell them the torture her father put her through, the hell she was forced to endure since her mother died. "Don't worry darling it will be over soon." Liv said when she noticed the scared look upon her face. "I know.". The rest of the car ride was silent.
     "Okay Sorcha, can you tell me what your father did to you, how he punished you?" the blonde ADA asked. This is what Sorcha dreaded. "Well sometimes the punishment wouldn't be that bad, just a few days without food, a bunch of extra chores and things like that. But if he was in a bad mood it would be a week without food and time in the cage, normally a month. The worst punishment occured eight months ago. I had gotten my period for the very first time but he thought I was a bad girl, once it had stopped he forced me into his room and laid me on the bed before proceeding to rape me.". Sorcha was able to tell of the punishments without crying. "Now what happened the day Sergent Benson found you.". "I had broken a dish while putting it away and my dad was drunk. He locked me up in the cage without food.". "Thank you, that's all." Alex Cabot said as she sat down. Then the defense attorney stood up. "You say your father raped you and locked you up in a cage is that correct?". "Yes.". "Is there any proof that he raped you? Is it possible that you are just making up that part to put your father in jail after all he did to you?". "Why would I lie about that. Yes I want him to rot in jail but I would never lie about what he did to me, I would never stoop that low." The accusation infuriated Sorcha. "What proof do you have, by the time they found you it was too late to do a rape kit.". "You want to know what proof I have? I am eight months pregnant . He is the one who raped me. And before you ask no I did not have sex with anyone else and blame it on him. I have spent my entire life in that house, I wasn't allowed out and no one was allowed in.".
     "Has the jury reached a verdict?" The judge asked. "We have your honor. We find the defendant Daryl Mernas guilty on all charges.".When Sorcha heard those words she felt a weight being lifted off of her shoulders and worry left her mind. Her father was going away for good and she knew that. He couldn't hurt her anymore and the hell she was forced to suffer for all of those years was now over. That night she went back to the appartment and finally got a good night's sleep. A peaceful rest without being attacked by the nightmares that would always haunt her. She finally felt free.
     The next day Olivia woke her up. "Hey sweetie, breakfast is ready so how about you wake up and go eat." The food smelled really good but Sorcha really didn't want to wake up. "Okay you brought this on yourself." Liv said before tickling the redhead. "Ahhh, she screamed, startled by being tickled. "Fine I'll get up just please stop tickling me. Pregnancy has caused me to have a very weak bladder.". Sorcha got out of bed and followed her mother to the kitchen. She was wearing a sports bra and pj bottoms for pajamas. Mainly because it was more comfy than wearing anything else. Sorcha sat down at the table and saw the pancackes in front of her. "I didn't know you could cook.". She stated before taking a bite out of them. "What can I say, I am full of surprises.". Liv said as she put her hand on her hip and flipped her hair. The room was filled with laughter. They continued to eat their breakfast before moving to the couch to watch tv.
     "What do you want to watch?" Liv asked with the remote in her hand. "Umm.. Well we could watch Supernatural, we started watching it when you first adopted me.". That had been the show they would watch together but recently they haven't. "Okay sure. What episode were we on, season ten episode three right?" Liv questioned not expecting an answer. They sat on the couch all cuddled up and watched about three episodes when they heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it you stay here.". Olivia got up and went to see who could be at the door. When she opened it she saw it was the blonde she worked with. "Hey Liv, I hope you don't mind but I have a few things for Sorcha, they are for her babies. I meant to call first but I.." Liv decided to cut her off. "Amanda it's fine, you are always welcomed here. Come in.". She greeted the blonde and welcomed her into the house. "Hey Auntie Manda." Sorcha said when she turned around. "Hey sweet pea, I have a few things for you. I know the babies are due soon so I thought maybe we could work on the nursery, I have a few  things like two cribs, the squad all bought clothes for your little ones but they bought two of the same thing but in different colors, mainly the colors of the blankets you chose.". Amanda wanted to spend time with the girl and help prepare the room for the coming of the babies. She helped with the room and her mother helped with the raising. "Okay I just want to finish this episode, it is almost over.".Amanda walked over and sat next to Sorcha and her mother sat on the other side until the end of the episode. "Mom, wait, you chose my middle name to be Rowena.". Sorcha made a connection to the redheaded witch with the same name. "Yes, but I hadn't watched this far yet. But I have to say, you both have red hair, that's a hilarious coinsidence.".
     "Okay let's go work on the nursery." Sorcha said as she got off of the couch and headed to her room. "Okay well the cribs can go ever there, then the changing station could go in the middle." Sorcha had plans for what she wanted it to look like. They all got to work. The changing station was put up and the clothes were put away, the next step was assemeling the cribs. This part was frustrating for Amanda. "I am a detective for the love of God. Why the hell can I not put this together? Do I suck this badly at my job?" she shouted at the peices in front of her. Sorcha was still trying to put up all of the decorations when she started to get a little dizzy. Apparently this was seen by her mother and Amanda. "Sorcha, are you okay look at me.". The redhead continued to sway and the voices of the people talking to her became harder and harder to hear until eventually everything went black. "Oh my God Sorcha." Liv rushed over to catch her as she fell to the floor, completely unconscious.

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