Venable X Reader

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The outpost

     Venable. Is what she told us to call her. Honestly she was kind of scary, but a beautiful scary. The kind of scary you want to get scared by. If that makes any sense.

     Since I was the first person in the outpost she was very lenient with me. She even gave me a diary and a pen. She told me to write everything down. No matter what it was. No matter what minot detail. It all needed to be written down.

     I am doing exactly that. Exactly what she told me. Writing down every little thing. Even thing I see in complete detail. Everything I hear. Everything u rough of feel. It all gets written down in the notebook she gave me.

     When I went to look in the drawer in the little desk in the corner of my room, I found more journals and pens. Lots of pens. Maybe six or seven journals. I honestly got very excited. I wrote it down.

Later that day when I was at my desk. I wasn't writing this time I was drawing. I didn't hear Ms.Venable wall into the room. You felt her hand on your shoulder. "Boo." She said into my ear. I jumped.

"Holy shit. You scared me Ms.Venable." I said placing my hand on my chest. I was currently wearing one of the dresses that was in my wardrobe. It was right dark purple velvet.

"Don't swear. It makes you sound like a truck driver." She said eyeing my choice of clothing. "That dress looks nice on you." She said with a tap of her cane.

"I'm sorry." I didn't even hear the second part of what she had said before I was on my feet moving to the other side of the room.

"What are you doing?" She asked me

"Starting a fire. It's cold. Would you like to join me?" She gave me a look. "I mean if you want. You don't have to. I'm sorry." This woman frightened me. She made me feel venerable and it scared me. I was used to feeling like that. I was used to feeling like I was in charge and confident. Here I didn't get to feel like that. She nodded her head and sat in one of the two chairs sitting across from the fire place. "Why are you so nice to me?" I asked her as I threw the match into the fire place.

"You intrigue me." Was all she said as she's stared at the fire. It was blazing dark reds and oranges.

"Why? I'm a nobody."

"No your much more than that. I can feel it. You have something special in you."

"No I don't, but what ever you say." I paused and looked around the room. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You can. Doesn't mean I'll answer it." She said. I looked at her. She almost looked like she way going to smile, but she did her signature smirk instead.

"Why do you use a cane? I'm very sorry if it's to personal. I tend not to think before I speak." I said to her.

"That I have come to learn." She paused and wiped her face. It was almost like she was crying. But not Venable. The badass Venable that everyone knows doesn't cry. She fights through the pain. "I have scoliosis." She said.

"I-I am so so s-sorry." I walked over to her and kneeled down in front of her. I leaned in and hugged her. She didn't move for a second. It was almost liked she had never been hugged before. I back up and looked at her. Her eyes were so mesmerizing. I got lost. Next thing I knew I was kissing her. Her lips tasted the black cherries and they were soft like fluff. She smelled of roses and vanilla and I wanted more.

She pulled away from the kiss leave me breathe less. "D-Did I do something wrong?" I placed my hand on her cheek. "No. You didn't do anything wrong. It was all me." She stood knocking me to the ground. "I need to go." She hobbled out of the room as fast as she could.

I didn't understand why. Did I do something wrong? Then it hit me. Maybe she is a virgin. Or maybe she's never been kissed. I ran out of the room after her.

And before you ask. Yes I know where her room was. Everyone knew where her room was. It was the biggest room there. I knocked on the door. "Who is it?!" She imedetaly answered. She sounded worried. "Can I come in please?" I asked her. There was no reply so I pushed the door open. She was standing there in the most beautiful purple dress. I was speech less. Purple silk. The entire dress was made of beautiful purple silk. "Leave!" She yelled at me.

I took a step towards her. "No." I pushed her again the wall and kissed her. "I'm in charge now." I said. She just shook her head. I kissed down her neck leaving bite marks and hickeys as I went. I have the other side of her neck the same treatment. "(Y/N)." She whimpered. "I-." She began. "I know your a virgin. I am going to be your first and I promise you'll enjoy every second of it." I said go her dragging her over to the bed and pushing her down.

-y'all know what happens next. Also THE NEXT MORNING VENABLES POV-

There was no warning. Only screams and pain. Shewas being dragged from my arms.  "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled. Mead looked directly at me. "No copulation under any circumstances. Right?" She said. Then I was out cold. I felt something hard hit the back of my head then everything went dark. I remember (Y/N) scream my name as I got the floor. That was the last time I ever saw her. I didn't remember anything about (Y/N) when I woke up.


I was being dragged from Venables arms. I didn't Hearn anything under Mead said "No copulation under any circumstances. Right?" I was confused. I had never heard this rule. Why was this my fault. I was the y'all lady take the but of a gun to the back of Venables head. "WIHLIMA!" I screamed as I was dragged out of the room. The took me down the hall. Up the elevator and into the courtyard. Or what used to be a courtyard.

"You will be executed for your crimes." Mead said as she took the same gun the Venable was hit with out of the y'all woman's hands. She cocked it and put it against my head. "Ms.Mead please. Don't do this. I am your friend. Please." I was something in her eyes. "Leave now before I change my mind." She put the gun to her side and pushed me to the floor. I got up as fast as I could and ran. I ran till I couldn't run anymore.

-9 months later-

The radiation never affected me. I had no puss filled pits on me. No itchiness no nothing. I wasn't affected.

I walked into the compound. I had decided that it was time to see her again. Maybe Mead had died. Maybe she didn't. I didn't care.

I walked up to Venables room. I heard voices. Then I heard a gun shot. I ran into the room. Just in time to catch Venable before she fell. "Wihlly?" I said. Tears were streaming down my face. I leaned in and kissed her one last time before grabbed the gun that was next to me on the floor and ending it all. "I love you." We're the last things Venable and I ever said to each other.

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