Fiona Goode x Reader

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     Hey hope you enjoy. Also there isn't smut. I wanted to take a break from that lol. Anyway here you go I am dying and yeeee. Bye now. ~IZZY
     It has been five years since you moved into the coven. Two since you realized you had fallen in love with the supreme, Fiona Goode, and six months since you and Fiona started dating.

     Fiona was in action today. "Fi?" You called. She continued to do what she was doing. "Fiona?" You called again. She glanced up from what she was doing. "Yes love?" She said. "Are you okay. You seem weirder than usual." She leaned back into her chair. "Yes I am fine. Just exited for date night." You stood walking over to her. "Okay." You kissed her cheek and walked out of the room.

     You found Cordelia sitting at the kitchen counter. "Is everything okay with your mom?" You asked her. "Yeah." She put her coffee on the table in front of her. "I just don't know she is acting weirder than usual." You said outing a cup of coffee and sitting across from Cordelia. "I would just wait it out. When are you two leaving for your date night?" She raised her eyebrows playfully. You both laughed.

     You and Cordelia had been friends for years she showed you around on your first day and you shared a room. Your two got very close very fast. "6:00." You said wiping the coffee off your face. "Your leaving in two hours." She said suddenly standing.
"We have to get you ready." She grabbed your wrist and pulled you up the stairs to your shared room.

"Okay wear this." Cordelia said handing you a tight black leather dress with matching black thigh high boots. "Okay." You went to the bathroom and put it on. 'Holy shit. I look hot as fuck right now.' You thought as you looked at yourself in the mirror.

     You walked back into your room. "Damn girl. You look amazing. My mother will love it." She said eyeing your dress. She looked at her watch. "Holy shit balls  you need to leave. Your going to be late." She pushed you out the door as you were lighting a cigarette. "Geez okay."

     You got into your car right as Cordelia was slamming the front door. You pulled out of the driveway and down the street to you favorite restaurant. (Y/F/R).

     The streets didn't have much traffic tonight which you thought was weird. They always have traffic. Always. You stopped at the red light and looked at your phone. You had 8 missed calls from Fiona. 'Ah shit!' You thought as your turned left and into the parking lot.

     You ran into the restaurant and told the waiter your last name. You made reservations a week ago. He sat you down and you ordered a glass of sweet white wine as you waited for Fiona to come. You looked at your phone again. You texted Fiona.

"Where are you?"
"I am on my way. Promise."

     You kind of just sat there. 10 minutes went by. Then 30. Then 45. Then an hour. Soon two hours had gone by. You were about to get up and leave when you saw Fiona run through the door. "I am so sorry love." She kissed your forehead. "That doesn't make up for the fact that I was waiting for two hours." You said grabbing your phone. "I promise I had good reason." She begged you. "Fine I am giving you five minutes." You said turning around and crossing your arms.

     "Well I had to go to the store and pick up your gift. I know we haven't been together that long, but I feel like we belong together forever. (Y/N) will you marry me?" She got down on one knee and pulled out a tiny little velvet black box. She opened it. There was a ring inside. With a (F/C) diamond on the top. It was surrounded by little tiny white diamonds.

     You didn't know what to say. You were speechless. "F-Fiona. Oh my god. I-I don't even know-." She Cut you off. "Just say yes." She looked at you. "Holy shit. YES!" You yelled. She jumped up and kissed your full on the mouth. "I love you so much (Y/N)." She said. "I love you to Fiona." You said kissing her again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~6 months later~~~~~~~~~~~

     The wedding day. You were so excited. Yet so nervous all at the same time. 'What if she didn't show. What if the building falls. What if my dress rips.' These were all thoughts that were continually running through your head. "Okay get yourself together man." You said as Cordelia walked in. "You ready for the dress?" She asked bringing in a huge bag. "Oh god yes." She unzipped  the bag. 

     There was a beautiful ball gown type wedding dress in the bag. It was black. Per on the request of Fiona. It had a jeweled bodice and jewels running down the skirt. Right at the very end there was a line of jewels going the whole way around. "It's even prettier than I remember." You said putting your hand up to your mouth.

     "Well let's get it on." She said helping you take it out of the bag. You got undressed and let Cordelia help pull the dress up around your chest. It was strapless. You looked at your self in the full length mirror across from where you were standing. "You look beautiful (Y/N)." Cordelia said as she started to fix your hair. Your hair was going into a braided bun with a few pieces hanging out around your face.

     "There your hair is done now your makeup." She moved on. She grabbed some brushes of the table and applied some foundation. Then some concealer and powder. Then she applied eyeshadow and contour and the fished off with a bright red lip. "Girl you look hot." She said as she finished applying it and stepped back. She put on your shoes so you could stand up.

     You looked at yourself in the mirror once again. You couldn't believe how good you looked. Like straight out of a movie. "This is amazing Cordelia." You said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Glad you approve. Now let's get your ass to where you need to be." She said slapping your ass.

     You waddled out of the room. Careful not to step on your dress. "Cordelia where is the veil?" You asked. "Ah shit brb." She ran back into the room and grabbed your veil. She rushed back out and continued to help you walk.

     Once you got to the big double doors of the church you stopped. "I can't do this Cordelia." You said starting to get panicked. "You will be fine. I will go first and then you will go. My husband will walk you down the isle and everything will be fine." She said rubbing your arm and giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Just breath.

     Just then the music started to play. The first person walked down the isle then the next and then Cordelia. Finically it was your turn. You hadn't seen Fiona all day. She was beautiful. She was wearing a floor length silk black dress. You loved it. You linked arms with Hank as you heard the music start up again.

     There were red roses next to every pew and white black and red rose petals scattered across the walk way. You couldn't stop smiling. You were so happy. You got to the stage and turn towards Hank. 'Thank you.' You mouthed kissing his cheek. He went to sit down in the pew. Giving Cordelia a little wink as he did so.

     You looked at Fiona. She was smiling you were smiling. You were both happy messes. "Do you Fiona Goode take (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to be your loftily wed wife?" The priest asked. "I do." She said looking at you. "Do you (Y/N) (Y/L/N) take Fiona Goode to be your loftily wed wife?" You looked at Fiona. All you could think about was spending the rest of your life other her. "I do." You said finally. "You May now kiss the bride." The entire room erupted in cheers. You looked at Fiona as she moved your veil from your face. "I love you." She said as she leaned in and kissed you.

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