Welcome to Overwatch Academy ( overwatch highschool!AU )

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Over in the far corner stood Mei, Angela, Symmetra and Brigitte, smiling and giggling amongst themselves.

"I see you've made customisations to your robot, it's coming along ever so nicely, Mei!" Angela gushed, poking the small blue robot that was tucked in Mei's backpack.

"Thank you Angela, I've made good progress over the summer and I believe I'm nearly complete the project." Mei replied cheerfully, pushing her thick-framed glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Wow! You gotta show me the wiring one time, I'd love to take some inspiration for my armour technology.." Brigitte rasped, scratching the back of her head.

They were all cut off by an unamused sigh from Symmetra. "Hmph. I don't see the appeal in such laborious mechanics, light technology is far more effective—"

She briefly side-eyed Brigitte who already somehow managed to have some sort of dust or oil smeared across various parts of her peachy, freckled skin. "— and a lot cleaner, too."

Brigitte broke into a bashful smile, twirling her long red locks between her fingers. A sudden high-pitched voice from behind caught her attention.

"Hey there Bri!"

Brigitte spun on her feel to see Hana, a small gamer gremlin girl who was one of her friends. She sent a big wave in return. "Hello Hana! Nice summer?"

"You betcha!" Hana snappily responded, twirling away to her group of gamer/nerdy friends in the corner, consisting of Lucio and Genji.

"Hey bun, What've you been up to?" Lucio grins, slightly sliding his headphones off of one ear to hear her. Hana proudly smiled. "The usual."

Lucio rolled his eyes playfully, knowing her 'usual' consisted locking herself away in her room playing video games while downing Doritos and Mountain Dew by the hundreds.

Genji groans slightly, running a hand through his green hair. "You guys are unbelievable. Did you two even go outside at all?"

"Hah! As if you weren't cooked up in your fancy-shmancy Japanese temple watching anime for hours on end you weeb-lord!" Hana remarked, raising an eyebrow towards the unimpressed Genji.

"Hmph. I would've been out training my fighting skills with my father,, if it weren't for.."

His eyes slowly drifted across the courtyard, landing upon the tall, dark-haired blank-faced figure that is his brother; Hanzo. He was reputable in school for being next in line to inherit his family's notorious 'business', and also was a prodigy in athletics; especially archery.

He was staring coldly into the distance, with the same emotionless face he always had. You could mistake him for a statue until a sudden arm forcefully hit his back, causing him to jerk his head backwards in a bitter manner.

"Hey there.."

"Jesse McCree.." Hanzo groaned, slowly turning back in the other direction of the overly enthusiastic cowboy he dreaded so much.

"How was yer' break? Get up to anythin fun?" McCree asked with a handsome smile. Hanzo didn't avert his gaze. "Training." He bluntly responded.

[COMPLETED] Overwatch one shots + AU'sOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz