Welcome to Overwatch Academy ( overwatch highschool!AU )

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I intend this AU to have several parts, and I'm going to explain a few details before I get into the writing just to avoid confusion and to clarify a few things ^_^

- everyone in this AU is depicted to be 16-17 years old. The younger characters will be 16, the older ones 17.
- everyone is a student apart from reinhardt, ana, winston, moira, torbjorn who are all teachers.
- I'm not gonna include orisa, bastion or Hammond in this au just because they are just too difficult to give really human characteristics to;
- I wasn't exactly sure where to set this au so I just decided watchpoint gibraltar since it seems to be overwatch's main base of operation??

That's all I need to say so I hope you enjoy this long overdue chapter (òwó)/


It was a bright autumn morning. A sheet of colourful leaves masked the ground as the bright sun radiated the campus.

Today was the beginning of a brand new term at Overwatch Academy, which could be seen by the mass amount of frowning students gathered at the entrance.

It didn't take long for them to assert themselves into their little cliques; Complete with the stereotypical athletes, nerds, gamers, popular kids, scene kids, delinquents, etc etc.

What made Overwatch Academy special was the diversity of its attendants, including pupils from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds and a wide assortment of unique skills and abilities.

While most students could tolerate one another with the common goal of joining Overwatch, it wasn't the case for everyone— with such a wide range of people being forced to work alongside one another, naturally, there are some who just are not made to get along.

"Tch.. I cant believe I need to spend another term under the same roof of Morrison and his goody-goody gang." Gabriel huffed as he pulled his black hood further over his head, essentially drowning his face in the fabric. Sombra cackled at his antics.

"Oh come on Gabe, it won't be so bad, a little school rivalry never hurt anyone anyway." She grinned upon his stubborn frown.

"Shut up Sombra. If you're so interested in those imbeciles, feel free to join them. Something tells me you'd fit right in." Amelié scowls, staring daggers at the group of beaming students across the campus.

"Yikes.. speaking of, isn't that your best friend just arrived?~"

The group of dark-clothed and grumpy students all looked up to watch a bubbly and bright Tracer bouncing over to mingle with the others. Amelié instantly groaned at the sight.

"What an annoyance." She growls, abruptly jerking her head in the opposite direction. Nobody seemed to take notice of the slight rosiness in her cheeks.

Across the other end of the yard were the rest of the pupils, whom were all chatting away with one another eager to get back into the flow of training for Overwatch.

"What's up loves? How was your summer' oliday?" Tracer chirped to her sporty classmates.

"I spent the summer training with my mother in Egypt. I'd say it was an efficient use of my time." Faheera tuned in.

"I managed to break my lifting record." Zarya added.
The three of them continued to chatter about their gains over the summer, as the rest of the groups rejoiced.

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