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" What do you mean?"

" Exactly what I said, Edward. I can't use any ability."

" That means that they used too much gas. I'll have them try and help you this instant."

" Edward, um, what if we hid this from them?"

" Why, Bella?"

I look down and don't look at him. The memory of the last time someone important to me tired to supposedly help me big time comes back. I cover myself completely and ignore his words, as the full memory comes as a well-known dream.

( remembering)

I am feeling happy and run to my second best friend. My sixth birthday is in two days and Carly is taking me to where her surprise is.

" How much farther away?"

" Close now, Isabella. We just need to run to the forest."

" Wait, the forest?"

" Yes."

I'm curious, but the forest is an forbidden place. The children and young women go missing there. I shake my head and agree with my mind. I am running away, when she grabs me and pushes me in the entrance. The doors that keep it open close and vines come at me.

" Help me, Carly. Please."

" No, I'll go get help."

" Wait, help me get out."

" See ya soon. I'll come back in a few minutes with help."

She runs away smiling and the vines only get closer. Fear takes over and I quickly climb a tree. I keep climbing up and manage to see Carly acting in a hurry. She gets my mother to come back with her, but they turn to the wrong direction. She runs with Carly and is clearly thinking that I am on the park.

" Who . . . are . . . you?"

Those words come in a slow whisper and I look around in panic. I am alone, but I feel someone is next to me. I was told by my parents that I'm not supposed to try and figure out my abilities yet, but if I don't, I will be in danger soon. I try and figure out what it is, when someone appears next to me.

She is tall, probably a teen, black hair, pale and transparent skin, and her green emerald eyes look at me. She simply smiles and claws grow out from her small fingernails. I jump down and run deeper into the forest. I hear footsteps behind me and that makes me run faster. I concentrate on my speed and I hear the person behind me gasp. I stop and turn around. The ghost is frozen and backs away from me slowly.

" What's going on?"

" You are . . . . . the daughter . . . . . . of that . . . enemy. Get . . . . out, but . . . . don't . . . . . . come . . . . . here again."

She leads me to the gates and she points to it. It opens and she warns me again. I nod, confused and walk outside. I run to the park and see my mother and father with Carly. They hug me tight, but I simply glare at Carly. She gets close with a fake worried expression, but I back off.

" You will never be invited to my home again, Carly. How could you?"

" I don't know what you mean, but I'm glad you're okay, Isabella."

" My hunter, what happened? Why were you in the forest to begin with? You had your father and I worried sick about you."

" She pushed me in and I had to find a way out of there alone."

" No, sweetie, she went for help."

" In the park? Did she look worried and then laughed a little, before guiding you here?'

" How did you know that? Why would Carly do something like that anyways, Isabella?"

I shrug and demand Carly for an answer. She shifts and a stranger is glaring at us. My father tenses and shifts as well. They battle in the sky, while my mother forces me back to the house.

"Mom, I want to help father."

" No, Isabella. This is your father's duty."

" Who is he?"

" A. . cousin of . . your father."

I take advantage of her trying to find a good lie and run out the house. I run to where they are and try to reach them. I want to help my father so badly that I wish I had wings. Suddenly, I feel something on my back and I hear my mother gasp. I turn to look at her and she tells me to hug her. I obey, but ask what's going on.

" You got your abilities, my hunter. You have the same ability as your grandfather."

" I thought that ability was not common."

" You're special, my hunter. Now, go up and help your father, okay?"

" But how?"

" You can be anything and have the power of what you turn to. Go help your father, while I'll help from below."

" Okay."

I obeyed her and the stranger was surprised. He tried to attack me, but I dodged and felt like controlling fire. I saw a ball of fire in my hands and I threw it at the person trying to kill my family. I let my father finish, while he ordered me to back down. He said I was of great help, but for now, he wanted me safe. I nodded, since I was exhausted of using my ability without training.

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