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After we arrive at the school, the principal has the guards surround me. I know it's because of my appearance, but I let them, knowing I'm dangerous. When we passed the hallway, the students back off and don't stare at me. My bright red eyes and the death ball waiting to be released is enough to make the bodyguards keep a distance, as well.

When we enter the private room, they lock the doors. They are about to attack me freely, but Edward gets in front of me.

" What are you doing, Edward?"

" Not letting them hurt you."

" They will do what's right if they can. I bet I could win in seconds."

" Please, Isabella, don't turn into a vampire, just like the others."

" That's what I am."

He is about to respond, when the one with the vision, says he knows of an antidote. Everybody freezes and looks at me look with joy. I don't feel anything and shrug my shoulders. 

" What is it, Eric?"

" You have to find a rare potion from the abandoned village." 

" Are you crazy, Eric? Because of that place, I'm a vampire."

" I'm sorry, but it's the only way to make you back. But if you want to stay a vampire, you need to turn good."

" I don't feel any good inside me."

" Isabella, I know you have some left. You responded to me for a second, when we were there."

" Not true."

" Miss Drake, I hope you decide soon. I can't have an evil vampire in my school."

" I don't know. I feel strong and without being able to lose."

" You like the power, Bella?"

" I already said to not call me that. I am Isabella."

" What about bells? I didn't hear you complain about that, long time friend."

" I like that name. I don't know why, but it feels natural."

" Good, Jacob. Now we know she is still the old Isabella we knew. We just need to make her come back completely."

" Right, my love, but we need to make her agree to drink the antidote."

" There will be no need. I agree to find and drink the antidote."

" Good choice, Miss Drake. You'll go with the bodyguards and a chain on your ankle."

" Why? She's willing to turn back."

" She will probably try to trick us and if she does, we'll leave her. She will be fine and will survive."

" I won't trick you, but fine."

" Let's go, Bella."

" I am not ---"

" Come on, bells. We don't have time to waste."

" Fine, Jacob, let's go."

When we arrive at the village, the bodyguards let me go first. I smiled and started walking. When we passed the main houses, I felt another vampire near.

" Stop, another vampire is close."

It appeared in seconds and attacked Eric. He dodged but got behind me. I sigh and attack the vampire. He's surprised and tries to convince me to help him.

" We are both vampires, new one. We will have a feast if you only let me get them."

" No thanks. I already won, so I still have all of it."

He doesn't respond since I attack and finish him off. 

" Done, now let's hurry. I don't think he was the only one."

" Why was he surprised when you attacked, bells?"

" He thought I was like him. Which I am, I suppose."

" Why did you help then, Isabella?"

" I didn't like he believed he owned me."

" He felt like that?"

" Yeah, vampire females are usually ordered by the males. So he thought, I would be afraid."

" You really are a weird vampire, bells."

" Not for long, Jacob. Now hurry and get your weapons ready."

" Why?"

" This is the area most dangerous and the potion is in the oldest home."

" Great."

" Hurry and remember, vampires can change appearance, So you better know how each of one really is."

" But---"

" One behind you."

Jacob stakes it and it still shocked, when another one attacks. Everybody gets attacked and the battle starts. I manage to walk through the fight and reach the house in minutes.

" Hurry up, guys. I already reached the house."

I turn around and see they are surrounded. I am about to keep walking when something tells me to help them.

" But they are not like me."

I speak out loud and after a long discussion in my head, I go back and attack. I reach where they are and spread my wings. They are larger than ever and I put them around them. The vampires attack, but they get electrified when they touch the wings. Soon, they are on the ground and we reach the house.

" You better hurry. I almost didn't return."

We enter and I let myself walk to where it feels less painful. We enter a library and in the center, there is the potion. I reach it and grab it. I show it to them and put it in my sack I brought.  

" Let's get out of here."

" Good idea, bells."

We are almost out of the village when we are surrounded again. A leader walks forward and challenges me.

" You think you are better. After you drink that potion, you will be like them again. Do you really want that?"

" Yeah."

I attack and she mimics the move. While we fight, four vampires come near and push me to the ground. I struggle but stop when the leader smiles and shows my friends running out of here.

" see, they needed a distraction."

" They are tied to a pole on the roof."

" What?"

" I see them and they are smiling at me right now."

" You really are good. Well, time's over."

I manage to free them and they get the vampires off me. After minutes of fighting, I am winning, when the potion suddenly lands on me. I freeze and drop to the ground. I start to feel change and pain. 

" Help."

They reach me then and help me up. I try to help, but I can't. They need to get me out and save each other at the same time. I am dizzy and suddenly, someone is carrying me. I look up and see it's Edward. 

" Put me do---"

I don't finish since the pain is too much and I faint.

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