Part Two

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I had a one hour break after history, so I went down to the café hoping I could find something relatively cheap to eat. Lesley was already sitting at a table by herself, waiting for me. I bought a turkey sandwich and a Fuze and walked over to her table.

“Hey!” Lesley said cheerfully as I sat down. “Any cute girls in your first class?”

“No,” I lied, thinking back to Dr. Kennedy’s long legs and captivating eyes.

“Well maybe in your next class.”

“Yeah… maybe.”

Ever since I had fallen hard for someone who hadn’t returned my feelings, Lesley liked to ask me about any cute girls I had seen recently. Sometimes I was attracted to a girl, and Lesley hoped I would gain enough courage to talk to her, but I never did. Party because I was shy, and partly because I was still thinking about… her.

Her name was Amanda Ross. Ms. Ross is what we were supposed to call her. She had been my teacher in middle school, and then again in high school when she switched schools my sophomore year.  She was beautiful, and smart, and creative, everything I ever wanted. She was also straight, and had a boyfriend.

I had always told myself I was going to move on and forget about her, but something always kept drawing me back. Maybe it was the way she smiled at me in the hall, maybe it was the way she liked to talk to me about the most random things. I once believed she liked me. Too bad I was wrong about that.

Lesley had been talking for the past couple of minutes, but I had been so off in my own little word that I hadn’t even noticed.

“Kendall? You there?”

I looked up at her because I had originally been staring at a crumb on the table.

“Yeah, sorry. Just thinking.”

            “About?” she asked.

            I sighed.

            “My history class. I sounds like it’s going to be hard.”

            Another lie. I didn’t want her to now about Dr. Kennedy though. If I didn’t admit that she was attractive, if I didn’t admit that I liked her, then maybe it would stop being true. That’s what I hoped. I just had to find a way to ignore my thoughts during class. I could do that. I just… I had to keep my mind on something else. Like maybe… history. Yeah, that would probably a good idea.

            “Kendall!” Lesley whined next to me.

            Oops, I hadn’t been paying attention again.

            “I’m sorry. I’m just trying to get used to this whole college thing. It’s so new and confusing.”

            “Yeah, I understand that.”

            Lesley went on about something that happened earlier in one of her classes. I think it was something about a math and computers, stuff I didn’t really understand in the least bit. I kind of tuned her out again, only this time I nodded every now and then to make it look like I was paying attention.

            My next class of the day was English. There was nothing exciting about this class except for the fact that now there really was a cute girl to pay attention to. She had light brown hair and the prettiest green eyes I had ever seen. The best part was, she sat next to me. I smiled as she took her seat. She looked over at me.

            “Hi,” she said quietly. “Amber Rose, and you are?”

            “Kendall Royce,” I answered.

            Amber Rose… she even had a pretty name. I didn’t care about the fact that I wasn’t that great at writing papers, which is apparently all we’d be doing in that class, I sat next to a cute girl. What could be better? She turned around again to face Mr. Adams and listen to the rest of his lecture. I couldn’t help but sneak a few peeks at her though. I sure hoped she didn’t notice.

I leaned back in my chair and got out a piece of paper and a pen when Mr. Adams told us to. We were going to be doing some kind of assignment where you got to know the person next to you. As much as I wanted to complain that this was something we’d do in elementary school, I didn’t mind taking a chance to get to know Amber.

We exchanged stories about ourselves and wrote down what we thought was the most interesting thing about our partner. When we were done, we were going to introduce one another. Amber raised her hand so we’d have to go first. I rolled my eyes.

“This is Kendall Royce,” she began, “She’s 18 years old and she plays drums in a band, likes to write stories, and once flew on an airplane five times in one week.”

“Sounds exciting,” said Mr. Adams.

“More like terrifying,” I corrected him.

A few of my classmates laughed a little. Now it was my turn.

“This is Amber Rose. She’s 19 years old, she likes painting, she’s really good at math, and when she grows up she wants to become a teacher.

“Math is a good subject to be good at,” Mr. Adams commented. “I can barely add, so I decided to go into English instead.” 

Again, a few of my classmates laughed.

The hour continued like that. There were some pretty cool sounding people in my class and some pretty… weird people. For example, there was this one kid demonstrated the fact that he could lick his nose and make his eyes go in opposite directions at once. The eyes one was kind of creepy to watch to be honest.

When the hour was over I had to go straight to my next class with no break. My next class… was two hours long. I sighed and picked up my bag, getting ready to head out the door. Amber stopped me for a second.

“I don’t want to seem like I’m bothering you or anything, but I just moved to this city and I know absolutely no one. Is it alright if I get to know you a little more?” she asked. “I’d like to start off my college experience with at least one friend.”

She laughed and I smiled.

“Sure,” I said. “Sounds fine to me.”

“Great! See you later.”

After that she walked away and I made my way to my next class.

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