Chapter 42

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Zayden was sprinting like lightening through the alleys. His eyes were wide and his mind constantly replayed the scene of more than dozen of men mercilessly slaughtered by a small girl.

Logic denied it but it was what he saw with his own eyes.

How was it humanly possible?

Was she even a human?

Out of sudden, someone jumped down right in front of him from the roof of a shabby and abandoned house.

"Going somewhere?", a soft voice with a tinge of humour was heard.

His heart leaped in his chest.

Through the height if someone normal was to jump, he would surely suffer some injury. But Angelize landed on the muddy road with such an exotic grace that seemed almost impossible for someone her age and gender. She had such a flexible body.

Zayden sucked in a deep breath once he recognized that devil with a black mask who looked at him with condescending eyes.

"Y-You...", he stuttered and staggered back. His body quivered.

He immediately turned on his heels and made a dash in other direction but of course Angelize was fast. He felt a powerful blow at his back. It sent him flying few meters away and he fell on the mud.

The impact was harsh and he didn't possess a very strong body. So he coughed out a mouth-full of blood. Regaining his senses, he frantically tried to get back on his feet but was kicked down once again.

His eyes landed on the looming figure of that devil standing in front of him like a true monarch. Before he could think of getting up once again, she took out her dagger.

His expensive outfit that made him look like some elite was totally ruined. And now as he crawled back with petrified expressions, he more or less resembled a beggar.

"Don't dare to do anything to me!", he shouted looking at that terrifying yet simple weapon that had just claimed countless lives, "My-My family will avenge me if you kill me. They will never let you be in peace!"

Angelize softly laughed.

Her laugh was so smooth and melodious that it felt like soft feathers to ears but to Zayden ears, it sounded more like summons to damnation.

"Once you die, there won't be anyone telling them that it was me who killed you now will there be?"

Angelize played with the tip of the dagger that had just slaughtered dozen of men. She twirled it on her fingers.

It looked like it was all a game for her.

And it was.

Zayden heart sank with fear.

"You are wrong! My family, they-they have ties with mafia. Sooner or later they will find out it was you!"

Angelize grasped her dagger firmly in her hands and looked at the guy laying in her feet.

"Will they?", her fleeting voice was frightening to Zayden as his eyes met her fearsome green eyes. Her cold eyes could choke anyone with a mere glance, "We'll have to see that"

She stepped towards him slowly and stamped on his elbow joint with a startling strength.


An agonized scream was heard as his arm was bent at an unnatural angle. An excruciating pain ran along his arm and drove him at his wits end.

Zayden couldn't understand that how such amount of strength could be possessed by a teenager girl. But pain never let him time to think it over.

"That's only for hurting my friend", her voice said impassively as she looked down at the squirming guy under her feet. She was unaffected by that heart-wrenching scream.

Once saying that, without giving any moment for his pain to dull, she stomped at his knee joint.

Another crack. Another sharp scream dominated the surroundings.

"S-St-Stop!", Zayden was panting.

But his cry was deaf to Angelize ears.

"That's for looking at me with your obnoxious lustful gaze"

She proceeded to break all his joints. After all it hurt the most at joints.

"That's for pushing me against the locker"

"That's for making me run to the fifth floor"

"That's for ganging up on my friend"

Only his screams were heard.

By the time she was done with him, almost all of his joints were broken. He no longer had any energy left to even scream. His limbs were bent at abnormal angles and he looked quite horrifying. The way he was hit, if even he was to survive this, he would be crippled for the rest of his life.

He was reduced to a complete decrepit.

Angelize bent on his knees and looked at him closely.

And this time he knew that his death was inevitable.

"My Carter family-My Carter family won't let you off", he whispered after summoning the last bit of strength left in his body while glaring at the girl fiercely. He laughed evilly as if he could imagine his grandfather shredding her to pieces for doing this to his beloved grandson-the only heir.

It was his only wish now. If his family would avenge him, he could die with no regrets

"Your Carter family?", Angelize derided, "Just wait and watch hundred years of your history turning to ashes in just seven days"


His family held great prestige. She was obviously lying. How could his family end in seven days?

That was ridiculous!

"Don't believe me?", she said casually as if talking about weather, "Fine, I'll be benevolent to let you witness it with your own eyes"

She looked down at the guy who could barely move now and smirked at him.

"After all death will be a blessing to you in your current state"

As she said that, she landed a blow at his head. He fell into unconsciousness quickly.

But she didn't want any risk. So she hit at his temple at a point that would keep him unconscious for a weak.

If he was to stay unconscious for a weak then by the time his family realized that it was her who did it, his family would long be ruined and would've lost the power to retaliate.

Angelize threw a last glance at the unconscious guy.

"You should not have messed with me. Now your whole family will go down with you because of your ignorant mistake"

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