Perspective. (pt 2)

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And yet suddenly everything was

Different. That's what they called me.
Teasing names and shoves in the halls
and aren't you just a backstabbing

Witch. That's what the town would
scream and cry and pull me apart
until I felt like I was being torn into

Heads. The body count rose
as they burned my only friends
at the stakes. Is there really a

God, who could save us from this
poisoned place and these poisoned people,
blind to the reality that we are just

Lethal. I am not lethal. I am

Inhuman. I am not inhuman. I am

Alone. I do not want to be alone. I am

Afraid. I do not want to be afraid.

They place a mirror in front of the stakes
to reflect the evil back inside me as I burn.

I look at myself in the glass,
bloodstained skin and ropes constraining my body.
The flames rise around me like arms reaching up from hell,
and suddenly all I can see is a



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