with love, the universe.

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to me:

"what is love?" she begs,
heart shivering in the cold –
the aftermath of another
withering lost interest.

patience, my child.
love is being gifted to you
in endless abundance.

he will speak in tongues
that no one understands,
and yet you will listen to his voice
for hours on end.

your souls are nothing short of
two stars in the same constellation:

so, so far apart,
and yet always

he will hold you in his arms,
pulled close to his chest.
and all it will take is

a single heartbeat.

so do not be afraid
of the tears that flood your face,
for they are what make you

emotion is a gift –

feel the stress, sorrow, and sympathy,
the love, loneliness, and lust,
the fear, frustration, and fury,

and feel it deeply, my child.

You need not be afraid.
You are not alone.

he will hold your hand.
I will hold your heart.

live freely.

-the universe.

11:11Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя