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He glows with the essence of the moon,
calm and cool and collected.

She radiates the emotions of the sun,
fiery and furious and flaring.

He thought that his vacant craters made him dull.
That he was empty and unfinished and unloveable,
worthless to the universe around him.

She thought that the world would be poisoned by her flames.
That the heat would sear away the life around her,
leaving nothing but ash in its place.

The day that they met,
they were both broken souls,
but they were not hopeless souls.

She listened to him talk for hours,
drinking in his wisdom and admiring his profound thoughts.

He poured out his every single dream to her,
overjoyed that someone so bright could find him interesting.

She laughed and shone without hesitation,
relieved that he did not shy away from her flames.

His cold heart warmed at the glow of her happiness,
basking in the light of her bliss.

When the son of the moon speaks,
the world stops and breathes in his soft, serene words.

When the daughter of the sun laughs,
the world glistens and embraces the warmth of her joy.

Apart, they are beautiful.

Together, they are happy.


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