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I had driven downtown to the bookstore. I loved reading books, I just never had the time to read them, or actually, never given myself the time for it.

Before I parked beside the sidewalk, I had seen the 'We're Hiring' sign. It was perfect.

I went inside and to the front desk, "You guys are hiring, right?" I asked.

The man nodded and handed me an application, "You'll be able to have an interview," he looked through his notebook, guessing he's the one who writes these kinds of things down, "actually, no one is having an interview at this moment, so after you fill this paper out, you can head into the manager's office, I'll let him know you'll be coming in soon."

I nodded at him and went to a nearby table. I filled everything out and headed into the manager's office. Before I went in, I was feeling nervous. I hope I get this job. I took a deep breath.


As I got back into my car, I started receiving a phone call from, babyboy💘. I answered.


"Hi." Jin said.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I have officially moved into our home." He said, excitedly.

I smiled, "I'm coming home."

Well, I didn't expect this to be a short chapter, but I guess it will be.
I wanna try and update as many books as I can today, since I haven't updated a lot of them for a while.
Anyways, the QOTD of the day is: Who do you ship in bangtan?
For me, it's kinda obvious, (namjin) but I think I'm starting to ship sope and jikook.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I love all of you!
I'll cya soon.

-britney xoxo

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