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"Can we go now?" Mina asked.

"Yes, we can." I said.

We headed out of the mall and got in our car and drove off back home.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, okay?" Mina told me.


I was watching TV while Mina was in the shower, she forgot her phone, which was right next to me. I saw her phone screen light up, then I saw a message from.. Mi Ae..

Mina never told me that she has a friend named Mi Ae.. I know all her friends.. except Mi Ae..

I grabbed her phone.

Of course there's a password. It has to be her birthday.

I enter the password as her birthdate. It works.

I enter her messages.

Mi Ae

ready for tonight, baby?

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

Then, her phone dinged. Another message from..

Hye Rae? What the hell?  I don't know any Hye Rae's..

I pressed the notification.

Hye Rae

Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I love you.

I kept reading more messages between "Hye Rae" and Mina.

I was furious.

She's been cheating on me with 2 fucking guys!

I wanted to kick her out right away as she was done changing from the shower. I couldn't bare seeing her for another second, knowing she's been cheating on me. "I love you." I thought those were real. Turns out, it was fake love all along.

I was planning to propose on her birthday..


At least like 20 minutes passed by and Mina came out.

"Hey, how are you doing, hun?" She asked me.

I gave her a furious look. I got up and I walked towards her.

"Hun, my ass!" I told her.

"W-what?" She said.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me sooner?!" I yelled.

"W-what are you talking about?" She said. She was clearly denying it.

"The messages! You're cheating on me with 2 fucking guys!" I yelled.

"Joon, calm down! What are even talking about?! No, I'm not! I would never cheat on you!" She told me.

I still had her phone in my hand, I unlocked it, I read one message out loud.

"From, "Hye Rae": Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I love you."

Her eyes widened.

"Why do you have my phone in the first place?!" She asked.

"I saw 2 girls named Mi Ae and Hye Rae! I don't know anyone that's a friend of yours that's named those names! And I know all your friends names!" I paused. "So stop denying that you've been cheating on me! Just admit it. You've been caught, Mina! Just say you've been doing it." I finished.

"Yes.. I have been cheating on you." She admitted.

"Have you slept with them..?" I asked.

She bit her bottom lip, her eyes were getting teary. I hated seeing her cry, but right now I didn't care about her. At all.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." I said, turning around and looking away for a moment.

I turned back around, "Grab some clothes, you're not staying here tonight. Go stay with a friend or with your grandparents." I told her, as I was giving her phone to her.

She went into my room and grabbed a duffel bag. She grabbed some clothes.

I led her to the front door.

By now, she was crying.

I opened the door and she stepped foot outside and turned around.

"Joon, p-please don't d-do this." She said inbetween hiccups from crying.

"Mina, I'm sorry, but you brought this on yourself. Have a goodnight." I said, as I closed the door.

Surely, the guy who she was supposed to be meeting up with her is coming to pick her up.

I went into my room and fell on my bed, I laid there and cried.

I guess the prettiest ones can be the meanest ones.

At some point, I fell asleep.



anyways i hope you enjoyed ths chapter

cya next time and i love you

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