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I watched TV for some time, and then went to sleep, until I heard a knock on my door.

Must be Jin.

I checked what time it was, 5:30 pm.

I got up, I rubbed my eyes, walking to the door. I unlocked it and he came in.

"You look like a mess," Jin said. "Even more of a mess then what I look like when I wake up." I chuckled at that.

He hugs me tightly. "Did you and Jimin talk?" He asked. "Yeah we did. I forgave him, actually."

"We can go sit down on the couch." I said.

We walked over to my living room and sat down, "So, how are you doing?" He asked me, "Well, today, I'm feeling well." I said, "Since you're here, I feel well."


My heart was beating fast when he said that.

What's going on? Why am I feeling this way?

Kim Seokjin, stop it, now.


"Well, I hope I can make you feel better." I said.

"Thanks, hyung." He said.


I smiled at him. He smiled back. "What do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Wanna just go out for beer, or something?" He asked. "Sure. Just let me grab my stuff." I said, as I got up, "Wait here."

Not long after we headed out to the bar.


Jin and I had a fun time drinking and talking. We probably spent at least 2 hours there.

After that, we went to some arcade. We spent 3 more hours there.

By the time we were back at my house, it was 10 pm.

I went to go change quickly. Jin was in my living room. I was a little tipsy trying to get changed, so it took me a little to get dressed into my PJ's.

When I was finished, I went back to the living room, I found Jin already sleeping on the couch. He must've been tired, I thought.

I had a guest room, I didn't really use it for anything, it was just there. So, I decided to wake him up.

I put his hand around my head, so I could help him keep his balance, since he was way more drunk than I was.

Once, we reached the room, Jin lifted the covers, and put himself to bed, but he didn't cover himself. "Hyung, you might get cold, I'll cover you." I said softly. I heard him mumble something, but I couldn't hear what he said. So, I ignored it, and then covered him with the blankets.

After that, I turned off the lamp that was on, and went back into my room. I went on my phone and just looked through Instagram. I watched ASMR on YouTube to help me fall asleep. It worked. But I caught myself before falling asleep. I quickly turned off my lamp and put my phone on the nightstand.

Then, I fell into a deep sleep.


Hi! Thank you for reading this chapter!
QOTD: What's your favorite song from RM's playlist?
I love all of the songs in general!
I love every one of you!
Sparkle beautifully, everyone!
(^^that might be my new saying)
See ya next chapter!

converse high | namjin ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ