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Namjoon had left for work early in the morning, meaning I could wrap presents while he was gone.

I got up around 10 in the morning and made breakfast for myself. I checked my phone, as I was eating.

gm precious.
did u sleep well?
i miss you so much.
i love you.
i gtg now, i'll see you when i get out of work.

I only read them. I didn't want to disturb him while he was working.

I placed my plate in the sink and went to the closet where the stuff was. I took all of it out. Then, I went into the living room beside the Christmas tree, and starting wrapping presents while listening to Christmas music.


I had finished wrapping all the presents, it took a while, but I finished them. The boys are having Christmas with us on Christmas Day. While on Eve they're visiting their families. Namjoon and I, well.. I won't be visiting my family this year. I don't know about Namjoon. My family for sure don't want to see me.

I was still playing music while placing the presents nicely underneath the beautiful, shining green tree.

"Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree~" I sung.

"I didn't know my precious Jinnie could sing so well." Namjoon said. I was so caught up with the music and admiring the presents that I didn't even hear Namjoon come in. He was sitting beside me while looking at the presents.

I blushed, "I can't."

"Sing for me." He said, "I'll sing along so you don't feel embarrassed."

"Let me put another song on." I said, and changed it to Jingle Bells.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way~" I sung with Namjoon.

"Wow. My baby can sing so beautifully." He said, and pecked my lips. Ah, I missed those lips. "Jinnie, I want some action tonight." He said, "If you know what I mean."

"Maybe. If I'm not in a bad mood, we can." I said.

He smiled.


Now, it had been a couple hours since Namjoon got home. I told him I went out for groceries, but on my way back to the car..

It's okay, Jin. Don't be a baby and cry. Don't be a big crybaby.

I couldn't stop my crying. Tears just kept coming down. What did I deserve this? What did I do so wrong?

I safely got home and went inside the home of ours. I placed the bags on the counter and went straight into the bathroom. I looked at myself and there you could see blood coming out of a deep scratch on my right cheek. The bruise on my neck; the hickey. I washed my face. The cut wasn't bleeding anymore so I decided to just leave it. The hickey, he's going to notice. I'm so useless! I just froze and didn't even fight back. I'm so goddamn defenseless!

I washed my face some more, trying to the cover the fact that I was crying, "Jinnie?" Namjoon said on the other side of the door. He knocked a couple times, "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Can I come in?" He asked, "I know you're not actually using the bathroom."

"Um, no. Go organize the groceries for me, and I'll be out in a minute, Okay?" I said.


I sniffled one more time. I dried my face with a towel, and headed out. I went into the kitchen to find Namjoon, organizing groceries, "Hey, beautiful." He said and reached for me, once he touched me, I flinched.

He tried to reach again, this time by trying to cup my face. But I flinched even more, "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said.

Namjoon's expression turned into a serious one, "Jinnie, please don't joke with me. What's wrong."

I looked at him, not long after his face was getting blurry. I could feel the tears in my eyes, how much it hurt to hold them back. "Let them out." He said.

He reached to hug me, but I flinched again, "Don't be scared.. I won't hurt you, and you know that."

I let myself be taken in his arms, "Don't speak. Just don't talk and cry until you can't cry anymore. I'll be right here." He said, rubbing my back. It's like he already knew what happened, and didn't need to ask.


I stopped crying a while after. Namjoon and I were cuddled up on the couch. We hadn't talked a lot after. He knew why. He wrapped his arm around my waist, I didn't feel good, so I pushed it away. "Jinnie, it's gonna be okay. Whatever those fucking bastards did to you, to hurt you, they'll be going to hell for that." He said.

I chuckled weakly.

Somehow, Namjoon always, always, found a way to make me smile.

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