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"Jin, what do you wanna eat?" I asked. The others were talking while I was sitting by him. I totally forgot that the others don't know we're dating. I should tell them. I mean, if only Jin wants to.

"I'll order whatever you're having," He said, "besides, I don't wanna take a long time thinking about it."

"Hey," I said, put my hand on his thigh, "it's fine, you can order whatever."

Jin pushed my hand away, "No, it's okay," then he came close and whispered in my ear, "and, please don't do anything that'll make our relationship obvious. I don't want the guys to know yet."

I nodded.


We finished eating and had sang happy birthday to Jin with some of the restaurant employees surrounding the end table with a little cupcake and a candle.

As we finished singing him happy birthday I had whispered to him, "I hope you have even more fun today, baby."

He turned to me and smiled, "I'm having so much fun already."


"You can beat him, Jin!" I said, as I was watching him playing Mario Kart with Jungkook. We were now at the arcade playing some games.

"Yah, Jungkook's gonna win, he has more experience then Jin-hyung." Hoseok said, "Well, you never know." I said, grinning at him.

"Yeah! Way to go!" I said, cheering Jin, since the game had ended and he won.

"What did I tell you, Hoseok-hyung?" I said.

He gave me a shut up kind of look, "Nice going, hyung." Jungkook said to Jin and gave him a fist bump.


Jin looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back. I could tell he was enjoying himself a lot. I haven't seen him this happy after what had happened. He looks so perfect being like this. I wish nothing could ever hurt him. I don't want anything or anyone to take his happiness away.

He walked over to me, "Joonie, I'm gonna go to the restroom."

"Want me to come with you?" I asked.

"No, it's okay."

"Are you sure? Remember that I said I'd be by your side every second?"

He awed, "Okay, let's go."

I followed him into the restroom, fortunately we were the only ones in there. He went into the stall and was doing his business, "Joon? You there?" He said a minute later, I smiled, "Yeah, I'm still here."

I could feel he was smiling as well.

It wasn't long after he came out, he washed and dried his hands. I decided to give him a quick peck on the lips, "Yah! Joonie!" He said hitting my arm lightly, "What if someone saw us?"

"We're the only ones in here, and besides if they saw us, well, there's really nothing we can do about it, amirite?" I said.

He nodded slowly. Soon after we left the restroom to head back out with the others and to play some more games.


We had gotten back home by at least somewhere at 11. It was a little late.

As we neared my room Jin jumped into my arms, and started kissing me. Like he wanted me. Needed me.

I had carried him into my room and closed the door. I gently laid him on the bed, but he sat up, kissing me hungrily this time.

The feeling of his lips on mine, was unimaginable, it felt like some sort of dream.

I pushed him back down and then held his wrists down, I smirked. Then I got off of him, and sat beside him.

I looked down towards his member, "I see that you got a boner, my friend." I said, still smirking at him, "You were ready, weren't you."

He sat up in embarrassment, "Joonie, why you gotta do me dirty like that."

I giggled, "I'm sorry, babyboy."

"But, I'm down for a makeout session," I said, resting my hand on top of his, "it'll make my night better." And I winked at him.

He smiled.

Then there was a few moments of silence, I looked over at Jin, he was spaced out, or thinking deeply about something.

Finally he said, "I have the best idea!" His eyes shining brightly.

I looked over at him and did a hm.

"We should build a fort! So, the both of can sleep in there, together!" He said, excitedly, and was bouncing up and down a little. I smiled, and said, "Sure."


We finished our fort and it looked so cute. Jin was happy we put it in the living room next to the Christmas Tree.

It looked beautiful on the inside. I helped Jin build it up, but he did the decorations. And holy shit, he made it look so damn beautiful. And it was a big fort too, inside was a little lamp in the corner, and some extra Christmas lights I had, were giving light to the corners of the fort. Pillows and blankets. Everything looked so perfect, "Jinnie, you made it look so beautiful."

He chuckled and blushed, "Thank you."

We had a good view of the Christmas Tree, and I liked the way it was. Actually, I loved the way everything was right now. As we covered ourselves with the blankets, I brought in my laptop so we could watch some movies. I haven't brought it out in such a long time.


As the movie was starting to play, Jin cuddled up closer to me.


A little ways into the movie, Jin and I weren't really watching it anymore. Instead we were..

"Joon.." Jin said as I planted kisses on his neck, we had been at this for a while now.


I moaned silently to his touch.

I'm ready.

"Joon.." I said, trying so hard not to moan, since I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him, "I need to tell you something."

He stopped and looked at me in the eyes. He had that worried and scared look in his eyes.

I pecked his lips one more time before saying,

"I love you."


Thanks for reading!
I know this was a longer chapter than regular, but I was so into it, and I needed a ending like this one.
And is it okay if I use 'babyboy'?
Lmao, I know it might sound weird, but I kinda wanna switch it up.
Anyways, the QOTD of the day is: What has been your favorite part in this story so far? And why?
I love you all so much!
I'll see you in the next one!
Much love to you.


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