Chapter 2

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Yaz had fallen asleep. I swear she could sleep anywhere. She worked so hard and with the doctor she felt like she had an Extra shift but she could get so much more done.

After a wander around the newly designed tardis to clear her head yaz had found her way back to the small sofa. She lay on her back. Her cheeks slightly red. Or was that just the light? The boys had gone off somewhere else and hopefully they were working it out.

The doctor was tired herself. Her brain still repairing itself from the sudden exposure to the strange planet. But it had to be done. Her gaze fell on yaz. She quickly looked around seeing they were alone. She knelt beside her, feeling the warmth radiate  from her body. The doctor felt her forehead, she hated when her friends weren't feeling well. She got a cold cloth and placed it on her head.

Ryan and Graham had walked on halfway through. "she OK doc?" Graham asks folding his arms across his chest. Ryan raised his eyebrows wondering the same thing. The doctor nodded "she'll be fine, she just needs some rest. A lot of rest. We need to get her home quick" she stands and walks to her console. She looked at the two boys "we need to get you all home" she says determined.

Yaz's dream

She and the doctor took off the blockers. Straight away she felt the difference. She couldn't quite figure it out either. She was stood behind the doctor and she saw her stumble, she would have tried to help if her brain didn't feel as if there were a thousand bees constantly humming in her brain. Flying around endlessly, the occasional wasp stinging making a sharp pain erupt through her head. Why did it hurt so much?
Yaz closed her eyes, bent over slightly and staggered to the side. She placed her hand against the wall and struggled to keep herself up. She looked up to see the doctor talking about her field of expertise. She knew most of what the doctor was saying, she bet she would know more of what was going on opposed to if Ryan and Graham were here.

"doctor... We need to head back. Something is wrong.... Very wrong" she said. She collapsed and landed on one knee. "yaz!" the doctor exclaimed. She put a hand on her shoulder so she didn't fall. The headache was getting worse. She fell to the floor clutching her head in pain. The doctors eyes were watering. "doctor... Make it stop please. Help me!" she whispered in defeat. Begging for the unbearable pain to end. The doctor shook her head "I was selfish... I'm so sorry" she took the young woman's hand in her own, grasping it tightly. She felt her cheek get wet as yasmins eyes closed

Yasmim shot up from her position on the sofa with such a speed she thought she might fall off. She gripped onto the back rest of the sofa to steady herself. The first thing she felt wasn't the three sets of eyes pinned on her with worry. It was the feeling of her hand tingling. The same hand the doctor had held in the dream. What a strange dream.

A ping emerged from the tardis which made yaz look at them. Ryan and Graham diverted their gaze, the doctor didn't. She wanted to let her know she cared for her. With a questioning look from the doctor yasmin nodded "I'm fine!"

The doc chewed the inside of her lip. Hopefully this wasn't another habit she wasn't going to pick up on. The doctor drew her eyes away from yaz hesitantly and looked at the screen. "were home" she says. Ryan and Graham and yaz all exchange looks and smile. "for real?" Ryan asks. "yes Ryan, for real. Come on gang, let's go" she says opening the doors to the tardis. The three walk put followed by the doctor. "so... I guess this is goodbye" she says. She looked at yaz. She couldn't never see this face again. "are you kidding. Come on doc." she smiled and signalled them all to follow her. The doctor smiles and basically runs towards yaz, her smile as wide as ever.

Yaz had fallen asleep. I swear she could sleep anywhere. She worked so hard and with the doctor she felt like she had an Extra shift but she could get so much more done.

After a wander around the newly designed tardis to clear her head yaz had found her way back to the small sofa. She lay on her back. Her cheeks slightly red. Or was that just the light? The boys had gone off somewhere else and hopefully they were working it out.

The doctor was tired herself. Her brain still repairing itself from the sudden exposure to the strange planet. But it had to be done. Her gaze fell on yaz. She quickly looked around seeing they were alone. She knelt beside her, feeling the warmth radiate  from her body. The doctor felt her forehead, she hated when her friends weren't feeling well. She got a cold cloth and placed it on her head.

Ryan and Graham had walked on halfway through. "she OK doc?" Graham asks folding his arms across his chest. Ryan raised his eyebrows wondering the same thing. The doctor nodded "she'll be fine, she just needs some rest. A lot of rest. We need to get her home quick" she stands and walks to her console. She looked at the two boys "we need to get you all home" she says determined.

Yaz's dream

She and the doctor took off the blockers. Straight away she felt the difference. She couldn't quite figure it out either. She was stood behind the doctor and she saw her stumble, she would have tried to help if her brain didn't feel as if there were a thousand bees constantly humming in her brain. Flying around endlessly, the occasional wasp stinging making a sharp pain erupt through her head. Why did it hurt so much?
Yaz closed her eyes, bent over slightly and staggered to the side. She placed her hand against the wall and struggled to keep herself up. She looked up to see the doctor talking about her field of expertise. She knew most of what the doctor was saying, she bet she would know more of what was going on opposed to if Ryan and Graham were here.

"doctor... We need to head back. Something is wrong.... Very wrong" she said. She collapsed and landed on one knee. "yaz!" the doctor exclaimed. She put a hand on her shoulder so she didn't fall. The headache was getting worse. She fell to the floor clutching her head in pain. The doctors eyes were watering. "doctor... Make it stop please. Help me!" she whispered in defeat. Begging for the unbearable pain to end. The doctor shook her head "I was selfish... I'm so sorry" she took the young woman's hand in her own, grasping it tightly. She felt her cheek get wet as yasmins eyes closed

Yasmim shot up from her position on the sofa with such a speed she thought she might fall off. She gripped onto the back rest of the sofa to steady herself. The first thing she felt wasn't the three sets of eyes pinned on her with worry. It was the feeling of her hand tingling. The same hand the doctor had held in the dream. What a strange dream.

A ping emerged from the tardis which made yaz look at them. Ryan and Graham diverted their gaze, the doctor didn't. She wanted to let her know she cared for her. With a questioning look from the doctor yasmin nodded "I'm fine!"

The doc chewed the inside of her lip. Hopefully this wasn't another habit she wasn't going to pick up on. The doctor drew her eyes away from yaz hesitantly and looked at the screen. "were home" she says. Ryan and Graham and yaz all exchange looks and smile. "for real?" Ryan asks. "yes Ryan, for real. Come on gang, let's go" she says opening the doors to the tardis. The three walk put followed by the doctor. "so... I guess this is goodbye" she says. She looked at yaz. She couldn't never see this face again. "are you kidding. Come on doc." she smiled and signalled them all to follow her. The doctor smiles and basically runs towards yaz, her smile as wide as ever.

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