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Jungkook's POV

I watched as he walked into the street. Car horns blared into the night. Tires skidded on the road.

'Goodbye Jungkook'

'Goodbye Jungkook'

'Goodbye Jungkook'

The words kept repeating in my head.

What have I done?


I didn't do anything.

I didn't ask to be assaulted.

But I was and now Taehyung is gone.

He left me.

I stood on that sidewalk until he disappeared from view, his scarf still fluttering in the wind.

My vision blurred, tears ran down my cheeks, screams erupted from my mouth.


Why Taehyung?

Why Jimin?

Why did this happen?

I walked back inside. The dorm was dark and cold. Empty without him.

Some of his stuff remained, as if it were taunting me.


Bad memories.



I stepped into the shower. No matter how much soap I used, I couldn't erase the feeling of Jimin's hands all over me. The water eventually grew cold, causing me to shiver.

I was shaking, crying.

I cried and I cried until all my tears dried up.

"Taehyung. What did I do?"

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