Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Merry Christmas Everyone"🎄

When you walked into the main office, Rocky smiled making his way towards the lockers

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When you walked into the main office, Rocky smiled making his way towards the lockers. Rocky opened his locker to grab his things when the locker door slammed on his hand.

"Ahhh!" Rocky screamed out in pain.

"What's up nerd?" The kid with husky voice said.

"Why do you seem so happy today? When you know we're just going to bully you like everyday." The male with a soft voice uttered.

The two boys laugh at him and the crowd around them did too. Rocky held onto his pulsating hand as his body dragged down the lockers. The boys walk away and Jungkook catches Rocky on the floor. He helps him off the ground and walks him to the nurses office.

"Hey man. I'm Jungkook. What's your name?" He started the conversation.


"Hi Rocky. Have you always been bullied by the twins?"


"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Rocky curiously asked.

"Those bullies are my brothers. They bully me as well."

"But aren't you part of the Bangtan Boys group?" Rocky asked again.

"I was until we all separated due to our different circumstances."

"Oh well it's nice to meet you but not like this." Rocky uttered and Jungkook chuckled.

They enter the nurses office and Rocky sat down on one of the beds. "What brings you boys in today?"

"My buddy here got his ha–"

"I accidentally slammed my hand on the locker. I forgot my hand was still in there when I tried to close it." Rocky blurted out.

Jungkook gave Rocky a what are you doing look. Rocky just gave him a I'm sorry look.

"Oka–y. I'll go get some ice so I can bring the swelling down a bit. That means you'll have to stay here for four of your class periods."

"What? No I can't miss my classes!"

"Well you should've thought about that before slamming your hand with the locker door Rocky." The nurse muttered.

"Okay okay, but it was an accident. Accidents happen all the time." He retaliated.

The nurse shook her head as the stubborn boy kept on talking. "Well I'll be back during lunch Rocky. I'll see you later."

"Bye and thank you for helping me."

"No problem buddy."

Jungkook walks out and heads to class. He sits in his seat and waits for the bell to ring. There's still a minute left so he puts his head down and closes his eyes. He couldn't fall asleep since the girls in his class always giggled and whispered very loudly.

They always talked about how cute he is. He found that very annoying since he never talked to the girls or his classmates in general. He's always been reserved and kept to himself, even more since you've left. The bell rang and everyone sat in their proper seat.

"Okay class! Settle down now. We have a new student today. Please be nice and welcoming or else." The teacher warned.

"Good Morning Mr Hale. I'm here to drop off your new student." Principal Cabrera mentioned to him."Please come in sweetie."

The principal left and the teacher closed the door. Everyone started to chatter when they saw you. Jungkook still had his head down. He shifted around from all of the gossiping but didn't lift his head up.

"Did you see her this morning? She was talking to the nerd."

"She's so hot."

"Damn she looks like a hoe."

"Do you think she has a boyfriend?"

"I think she'll be very popular here. Just like the Bangtan Boys were last year."

"Okay class. Please quiet down now." The class became quiet and they all gazed their attention at you. "Please tell us where you're from, a little bit about yourself, and your name."

"Hi everyone. Uhm? I'm from here originally but I moved a few years ago. There's nothing interesting about me honestly. I like listening to music, going to the club and having fun." Jungkook lifts his head up and his eyes broaden as they see you. "My name i–"


He couldn't believe his eyes, it was actually you. The whole class including the teacher looked at you both. Jungkook stood up and walked towards you. When he embraced you, all of the boys and girls gasped or either glared.

You didn't recognize him at first. You had no idea who the boy was until you recalled what he called you 'Noona', that was the same thing Jungkook called you when you two were kids. He also had the face of a bunny but much more grown up.

"Jungkook?" You nervously asked.

"Yes Noona. It's me Kookie." He grabbed your shoulder and smiled at you.

You remember Jungkook as the shy one. Not only was he afraid of talking to strangers but specifically to girls. Somehow he got over his fear when he met you. You start to reminisce when you two did everything together.

Kookie was your best friend growing up. You made sure he was alright when he got hurt, you fed, and protected him too. He would do the same to you too. He's someone you trusted and hopefully that trust was still there after all these years.

Throughout these years, Jungkook hasn't been able to forget you. He always waited for your return. The crush he had on you was still alive in him. Jungkook couldn't see anyone else but you. You were his first and only love.

The twins would tell him that it was his fault their mom died and you left. Those two things weren't his fault. You left because your parents didn't feel safe in that house anymore. His parents died in an accident not because Jungkook killed them.

"Since you two know each other, why don't you sit next to him. Jungkook doesn't have a partner yet and it's the only vacant seat." The teacher interrupted your thoughts.

You nodded and everyone eyed you as Jungkook held your hand, taking you to the empty seat. You sat next to him and he couldn't contain himself from showing his cute bunny smile. You remembered how Mae use to love seeing her son all happy.


SURPRISE!! Jungkook finally met Y/n again.

- Sleeping Beauty 🙌🏽🎁

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