Chapter Seventeen

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Your parents are pacing around waiting for you to arrive

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Your parents are pacing around waiting for you to arrive. Your mother is very furious with you right now. You aren't home and she's hating how rebellious you're getting.

"Where could that little brat be?" Your mother mumbles. "Jiwoo and Mae should be here in two hours and this girl is nowhere to be found."

"Well we also didn't tell her that they were coming so how was she supposed to know?!" You father answered, already annoyed with your mother.

"Hopefully when they get here, it changes up her mood and she starts respecting us." Desiree says as she sits on the couch while crossing her arms.

"You mean respecting you, to be precise."

"Shut it Elijah. I don't want to hear it." Desiree gritted out. "I'm going to call Mae to see where they're at."

She starts to dial but no one answered. She did it again but Mae didn't respond.

"I'm going to call Jiwoo." Elijah uttered as he took out his phone from his pocket.

He called but no one responded. He calls again but it only lead him to voicemail.

"That's weird. I wonder why they're not answering? They're usually good at answering their calls."

They waited a little longer and called again. There was no response and they were starting to get a little worried.


"Woo! I'm living the best night of my life!" You yell out as you're dancing all over the drunk BamBam.

You wanted to drink as well but your fake ID says you're eighteen, not twenty-one. The song is over so you pull BamBam back to the table. He sat down first and put you on his lap.

Jinyoung began to glare at BamBam because of his actions towards you. Jackson noticed that so he took Junior away with him. Within a few minutes they came back and you eyed the blue beverage in Junior's hand.

"Hey what's that blue one, it looks good." You mutter.

"It's called paradise. Do you want to know why it's called that?

You nod.

"They say 'the end.." He points at the bottom of the glass. "Is filled with a paradise of dreams'."

Your eyes glisten and your mouth becomes drier than it already is over his explanation of the drink. Junior sees the expression on your face and decides to tease you.

"Do you want some?" He asked with an arched brow, the nerve of some people.

You nod. You don't know why but you felt like drinking tonight. It's something you've never done before but somehow your heart was telling you to drink. Your gut began to feel a little bit queasy. You didn't know what was wrong so you decided to ignore it.

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