I.N as your boyfriend

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- you guys will protect each other
- you both have nicknames
- he's VERY ticklish
- he can be sweet and soft, but he WILL be protective if he needs to
- he'll constantly take pictures and videos of you and smile and laugh while doing so
- he'll hold your hand
- he'll shuffle up to you and bury his head in your chest

- you guys will protect each other- you both have nicknames- he's VERY ticklish- he can be sweet and soft, but he WILL be protective if he needs to- he'll constantly take pictures and videos of you and smile and laugh while doing so- he'll hold yo...

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I observe I

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I observe I.N as he seems to be mimicking a teacher. His face is so expressive, and I can't help to laugh and awe at his cute braces and expressions.
He starts to do a really weird dance, and everyone laughs and points. My baby fox is the life of the party.
He's still laughing as they all wave goodbye, and he waves back, shuffling to the car door of the passenger seat.
He quickly opens the door, his face and hands red from the cold, and his breath visible.
"Innie you're so cold!" I reach over the car controls in between us and take his hands into mine.
I rub my hands, creating friction and kissing them from time to time. He stares back with love-heart eyes and a wide grin, his head tilted back to the head rest.
"You're so pretty, y/n" he takes his hands out of mine just to boop my nose, and when I think he's okay and turn to put on the heat, he uses both hands to turn my face and he gets closer.
I laugh and pull away, scared by the sudden movement of him.
"I'm not going to let go of you, y/n"
I fail my legs underneath me playfully and push away. He usually isn't the dominant one, and when he is, it's shocking.
He then lunges and tickles me. His cute play is sometimes scary, his soft personality suddenly turns dominant, it's cute but alarming that such a cute human can have such a thick duality.
I'm squealing and laughing, flailing my legs underneath me, and curl up on the seat, in pain from how ticklish I am. "Je-Jeon- stop! Jeongin!" I can't stop laughing; his wide smile and devilish candy eyes.
He then cups my cheeks, and kisses me.
He's the kid laughing now, probably a my shocked face. "You're such a ticklish yg you know that?!"
I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest and pout.
"Whatever" i straighten up to start the car again, assuming he must've kicked it while he jumped over. He sits back down and pulls out his phone, ringing with notifications.
Underneath my thigh is a piece of paper. I lift my thigh up, revealing a picture I.N took of us at our favorite park. I glance over at him, and his soft eyes are rolling over his screen, texting someone.
The picture was taken a year ago, his bright, smiling face, black curly hair, and contrasting skin made me drawn to him. I'm a bit behind him, with ice-cream on my nose and a cherry in my mouth. I observe the picture closer in detail, admiring everything about him. My heart eyes are present, as his are too, looking at me through the phone.
"AY thATS MINE" he yanks it out of my hand, and as if there's a rope tied to me and the picture, I'm dragged along with it.
"I know y/n that's why I have it you dork"
I chuckle, my eyesight leaving his and focusing on pulling out of the parking spot.
His face beams brighter every second he stares at it, the pad of his thumb rubbing over the picture.
He softly speaks, "my dork". He chuckles once again, and puts the picture back in his pocket.
"I have an idea" I smirk, keeping my eyes on the road.
"Oh please don't tell me-"
"SHH innie,it'll be cute"
"Like you" he shoots, on cue almost.
"No u" my normal response to him. Crackhead culture you know.
(A/N: no... but lee know SORRY)
Jeongin fiddles with the aux and plays No Tears Left To Cry by Ariana Grande.
Innie sings along, waving his hands, and we both dance in our seat.
Later comes Thank You, Next. Another new classic. N/S plays, but halfway through he switches it to another song.
I recognised the songs from his "YAS GORL SLAY" playlist, from countless nights of dancing together at 3 am, waving arms in sync and yelling lyrics, annoying the neighbors. For Christmas we gifted them noise cancelling earbuds and noise cancelling foam.
We went in for cookies once, and they used all the foam in their bedroom. I hope it was only because of our music though.
Innie switches the song...
The drums and piano, playing in sync.
"THE SONGS ON THE RADIO ARE OKAY" innie screams, looking at me while I'm driving.
"BUT MY TASTE IN MUSIC IS YOUR FACE!" He yells, cutting off with his own laughter.
I try to hold in my smile, but I fail. Tear in my Heart, by Twenty One Pilots ends; and by now the sun is setting.
"Y/n this isn't the route home, where are we going?"
"You'll see" I reply. He looks more concerned than curious, so I add:
"It'll be fun, trust me. You've been there before"
I touch his knee while keeping my eyes on the road, a reassuring smile too.
He stays silent, but most of his visible worries go away.
We drive up onto our childhood street, the trees shading us from the full moon  and clear sky.
The houses stop onto an intersection, and on the corner is a small playground where we first met.
This is where we took the picture.
I look at him, and he's staring blankly back at the park. I park in front of it. Breaking the silence i say:
"I got food from our favorite shop, and i thought we would eat at home, but a trip down memory lane won't hurt"
He doesn't respond as I hold up the bag.
He's still staring.
He gets out of the car, and starts counting steps. He's acting... weird? I get out of the car, with the food in my hands.
He's facing away from me, to the setting sun. I put down the food and give him a back hug, with my head on his shoulder.
"Y/n, it's here" I scrunch up my face in confusion.
"What do you mean, innie?"
He finally turns around, linking his arms around my waist.
"Here. Here's the spot exactly where I finally recognised I loved you; and all that you are."
He pulls back a clump of hair, placing it behind my ear.
We connect foreheads, and his hands travel up to behind my ears, swaying softly. He hums.
" I love you, y/n. More than you know"
My eyes look up from his chest to his face, his eyes, violently serious.
"I love you more"
He lightly pecks my neck, and yells out,
"TAG" and runs, seriousness leaving him, and his playful self is back.
"INNIE YOU BITCH" i yell, running after him. Wood-chips fling while we chase after each other.
I catch up to him, jumping, grabbing his shoulders, and swinging my legs up. I intended for him to fall, so I can kiss him, causing him to be 'it'. He surprisingly catches me, still running around the built structure.
I wrap my arms closer around his neck, and nuzzle my head into his warm body.
For a hot second, I forget where we are, and what we are here to do; to be.
He slows down, and I kiss him 'it'.
He lets me down, and quickly turns around laughing, throwing his arms around my neck.
He pulls his head away from my chest.
"Right. Hungry. Let's eat" he quickly turns to get the food, and I'm quite shocked he remembered. I run after him, picking up my bag.
He runs up the small steps to sit on the platform before the ultra slide.
I run up the same path, feeling quite cold.
We open the... oddly still warm food and begin eating with criss crossed legs. I originally sat across from him, but even though the food wasn't warming me, I brought my food over to his side, and sat next to him, leaning my head on his shoulders.
Jeongin takes his earbuds out and we watch Chans sent video of the group being silly.
I finish rather quick, and even steal some of his fries. He tries to bite the fry out of my mouth, but it's no use. I inhaled it before he noticed. He finishes, and plays Lo-fi; our new addiction. He opens the camera app, and we smile, kiss, and then he kisses my forehead.
From his shoulder, I look up to him. His soft curls warming his ears, and his soft pink lips, and cat-like eyes. He stares back, seeming to look at my ugliness. I later found out he took an unintentional, beautiful photo.
"Y/n, youre so pretty" he holds  my hand, and I bring my knees up to my chest.
He hugs me quickly, and then scooches over to the slide. Instead of sliding down it, he runs. He loses his balance and falls to the ground once he hits the edge of the slide .
"Innie what are you doing?!"
"Slide down its fun!!"
" that's not sliding! That's not how you slide!"
"I know but now you do it!"
I roll my eyes, and grip the sides of the slide slightly, giving a slight pull down.
His phone is at an angle to film me, and I instantly smile from this.
"Innie! Put the camera away!" I say jokingly, and after, I slide down with my legs up to my chest.
I intentionally fall on top of him, both knees on the sides of his hips and my hands on his shoulders.
He films the whole thing, and I know it'll make me very happy looking back at that later.
He's so warm. I cuddle him and close my eyes, enjoying the agid air up against our warm bodies against each other. My hands go inside his open coat, closet to his body for more warmth.
He puts down his phone.
He kisses the top of my head, and his hand starts to pet the top of my head.
"Saranghae" I whisper back.
Sorry this took so long haha. Also, thanks for 50 reads! I never knew it was going to get this far haha! It's also like 3 AM, so there's a possibility none of this makes sense (I'll modify it in the morning I just needed to publish this quick haha)
Anyway, sorry this chapter sucked. Vote and comment suggestions or if you liked it!

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