Chan as Your Boyfriend

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- VERY big bear hugs
- cooks for you
-CONSTANTLY working, so you'll often wake up at 3 am to him just getting to bed
- cares about your health more than his own
- very good at making you feel better
- he'll stick up for you and know when things are wrong
- you'll be the first to hear his work
- this man loves you so much he'll dedicate a whole ass album just for you
- lil tickles
- forehead touches
- he will pull back your hair when you feel sick, and will constantly be there for you
- an honest mom, he won't let you outside without a coat if it's cold, he will make sure you are eating well, getting sleep,
- can read your body language like a book
- he'll smell you (in an endearing way) every time you hug
- when he's not working, he'll probably play video games with you as a team

Coming home
I shut the door behind me, trying to not cry from the abuse of my new boss. I can't lose my job, I just can't. Sure Chan and the rest get good pay but if I'm not doing anything, I easily fall into  a depressive episode; and I know it'll hurt Chan trying to get me out.
I look down at the knob, my lips trembling as I remember what he did to me...
"Y/N baby you're home!" I hear his footsteps come up behind me, and I snap out of it. I start by taking my shoes off, turning to where he can see my profile, kicking my shoes in the cubby.
He's wearing a long, black sleeved shirt with white strips down the side, and the head crop is the shape of a stretched out u. His sweatpants match, with white stripes down the side, and little grey, no show socks.
He knits his brow, and quickens his pace, tilting down to see my face clearer.
"Y/N baby whats wrong?!" He cups my face and gently turns it to see me clearer.
"Oh baby..." his voice is soothing, but it sharpens instantly.
"Who hurt you?" His hands still on my cheeks. I can't hold it back anymore, and I burst in front of him, tears streaming. As I lean in he hugs me, his head over my shoulder. I can hear his heart beat, and the warmth of his body contrasts with the cold winter outside. His strong muscler arms make me feel safe and protected from that nasty pig at work. Tears streak my face, and my straightened hair gets caught in my mouth, and I'm pretty sure I'm ugly crying.
We stay like this for awhile, he was never the first to pull out of hugs, especially with stays. He always let you decide when to let go, when you felt like it. I pull back, feeling a bit better to talk about it.
I look at my shoes. "You look very beautiful today in your new outfit" he says. We went shopping recently for our anniversary. His hands cup my cheeks, and the pads of his thumb wipe away my tears.
"He- he hurt me. It started o-out with j-just me filli-filling out p-paper work and then" my pitch gets higher and his face fills with gloom and despair. "He started to-" I can't finish. It's too much. I start whimpering and he pulls me back into a hug. He sways a little, back and forth, singing a soft melody.
"Don't cry" he hums.
"You're safe. You're home. You're with me. No one can hurt you when you are with me." His soft voice turns harsh.
"I won't let him"
I nod quick and small nods into his chest.
He pulls back only to take my jacket off and my purse to hang them, and with a couple steps he's in front of me. He widens his stance, tipping his upper body back and pulling me closer.
"Y/n.... i made your favorite dinner" his smirking smile makes me forget everything, and smile back.
I rise up on my tippy toes to kiss him.
"Let's eat" he smirks even more, and picks me up princess-style.
"Channie!" I laugh. I quickly link my arms around his neck and tuck my chin to my chest, and lean against him. He looks down at me, and leans my head closer to the floor, swooping me up again.
"AAAAAAAA WHO LIVES INA PINEAPPLE UNDER DA SEA SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS" he marches with me still in his arms to the kitchen.
"CHANNIE" I cant help but giggle. He puts me down and takes out a serving of my favorite meal. He smiles his famous smile:

He's still laughing, and so am I

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He's still laughing, and so am I. He shuffles, and out of the cupboard takes out a plate/bowl and serves the both of us, along with favorite drinks. He hands me my meal, and while i walk, i slow down to stop at the table. He slowly keeps walking, facing me.
"Nawr it's a special night, we're eating on the couch"
He quickly shuffles to put down his food, so he can do a little happy dance and jazz hands to the new TV he bought for me.
"Surprise!!!!" He says.
"Channie! I didn't even notice!" The Tv was bigger, and had a higher quality than the last one. While I set down my food, he starts playing one of his new tracks.
Once he's done fiddling with the remote, he waddles back to me, taking my hand.
"This is for you, y/n"
We slowly sway together, his hand on my waist, and the other holding mine. My other is on his shoulder as we sway back in forth.
I listen closely to the lyrics.

Where is it? Your pretty smile
I can see it all, your awkward smile pretending everything's fine
I keep pushing to do better
I know one day baby, everything will be
I love you, I love  you
I love your big happy smile
I'm with you
I'll be with you
Till you don't want me to
I'll stay with you, keeping you safe,
Because I love calling you mine

The Korean words softly speak, and I can tell Chan took this whole part. Halfway through, the lyrics change tone. He starts singing about how I push him to be better, and how he hopes that he can make me happy one day. He stops swaying and crashes into a bear hug.
The soft melodies fade, and he starts to say:
"Y/n i hope one day, I can make you happy. That we will live long together, and I'll be calling you mine for the next 80 years; or however long we live. All I hope is that you're safe, and ha- happy" his voice breaks and I can tell he's crying.
"But Chan, you already make me happy. More than you know."
I feel his hands behind me come up towards his face and wipes his tears away.
He comes forward.
"Rubber ducky... your the one" doing his little snaps. I giggle and jump up, hugging him with my legs around his torso. He waddles back to the couch and sits, I'm still hugging him. He puts one hand on my back and his chin on my shoulder while looking for our favorite show.
I pull back when he's finished and he stirs to relax while laying his head on the back of the couch. I turn to see the show, and turn back to give him a double-chin smile.
He grins back, and quickly gives me a peck and reaches over to turn of the light. I turn to face the TV, still on his lap. We eat our food, and after awhile I get tired and lay down, resting my head on his lap while he plays with my hair.

I doze off, and the next morning I wake up in the morning in our bed; the sunshine coming through. Chan walks into the room and smiles.
"Sleep good?" He says, pulling back the covers to slide in next to me, his strong arm on my side.
I smile. "Yeah, you?"
"I put you to bed and savoured the moment for.... five minutes"
I glare at him.
"... and then.... I went back to wor-"
"CHRISTOPHER" you yell.
He cowards as you hit him with a pillow, red from fury.
"What?! I was inspired and I had to write!!" He says quickly.
"BUT ALL NIGHT?!" I scream.
"I'm sorry luv!"
I sigh, roll my eyes, and smile back at him, looking like a child: his hands to his face, curled up in a fetus position.
"Please baby, sleep" I say calmly, exhausted.
He kisses your forehead.
"Ready to eat?"

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