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"Is the MRI result out?" Jimin asks the ICU nurse who was in charge of Namjoon's case. The nurse handed it over and he examines it with Hoseok.

"Do you see that?" Hoseok pointed over to the small clot that was blocking an artery. "He had a *Transient Ischemic Stroke."

*Transient Ischemic Stroke/Attack is not completely a stroke but is like a mini stroke. It has the same symptoms and usually cost no permanent damage but it's a warning sign for a person who is about to have a stroke.

"It's not that big but it's partially blocking a major artery." Jimin worries over the film as they stand beside Namjoon's bed. He turns to the nurse and he tells him, "Can you do a clotting screen on him before we start him on anticoagulants?"

"I think he'll need thrombolytics now with the size of that clot. We can't risk having it just lodged in there." Hoseok's consults with Jimin and the latter one nods, writing down his orders on the chart.

"Hey, you two, do you know that you are literally ignoring me right now?" Namjoon says, still a little groggy but he managed to smile at his friends. "I'm a doctor too so let me in on the conversation."

"You're a patient right now." Jimin told him off, making Namjoon. "Stop being stubborn and rest."

"You're too mean." Namjoon smiles weakly at his friends, happy to see them getting along. "Hey when I get discharged let's grab a drink."

"I can't believe you're thinking about drinking right now." Hoseok scolded him and he chose to not hear him talking about liver problems. "You better listen to your doctor."

"Yeah, yeah.." Namjoon waved his left hand.

"Still can't feel your right arm?" Jimin asked then he gripped Namjoon's right hand and lightly squeezed it. "Do you feel this?"

Namjoon shook his head. "I'm as numb as a rock."

"You'll get better." Hoseok puts his hand on his shoulder and it somehow helped put his friend's worries at bay.

"Did you tell my Dad?" Namjoon asked. He's concerned that his Dad might worry too much about him.

"We did." Hoseok replied, "I understand that you don't want him to worry about you but he's still your Dad and the only family you have. He deserves to know."

"He's too old to be worrying about his son." Namjoon says and then closed his eyes to rest.


I stared at the gaunt face in the mirror. Sometimes, I forget that it's mine. Hundreds pf thoughts coming into my mind all at once as I close my eyes while my fingers travel down to unbutton my white coat. As much as possible, I wanted to work more but my body can't keep up. I need money for my mother's eye surgery. I know it's a risk but I must do something for her. I will do anything for the woman who has sacrificed everything for me.

I hung my coat inside my locker and got my bag when I hear the door being opened. "Hoseok."

"Nanhee." Was my greeting, somehow. I was neither happy nor sad when I look at her. I feel like my emotions are running away from me.

"Are you going home?" She asked, slowly walking towards where I was standing.

"Yeah. Finally." I joked and flashed her a small smile.

"Right." She chuckled softly. She's pretty and brilliant. Everything about her is delicate — From her nails to the ends of her hair. Like a new coin that you don't want to give away. "Um, I was wondering if we can grab a cup of coffee? My treat."

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