
I changed into my nightgown, wearing the satin silk piece that I had bought before the wedding but had never really worn.

The fabric was soft against my skin, making goosebumps rise on it.

My mind was still somewhat at the party, all of a sudden I was interested to know each and every detail. I wanted to know how politics worked, how people manipulated their own people into doing them favours.

I wanted to know how this world worked and what kind of mindset you needed to have, to actually be able to function in this world.

Zaydaan was a full fledge politician, he was sharp and witty. He had anger inside of him but he always managed to cover it up by seriousness and firm expressions. He knew what to say and where to say it.

He was smart in that sense. I had listened to a few of his interviews and I was genuinely impressed.

And his people trusted him. That's what made me even more interested. How could people trust a political leader in power? How did they have such an unflinching amount of support and love for him?

How much did they admire the Prime Minister then? If they admired his son so much, how much did they admire their actual leader?

I was still strung in my thoughts when Zaydaan came up in front of me. His eyes giving me a questioning look, as if he wanted to ask what I was thinking.

So I said what I thought.

"I just think that if you have to be announced as the party's chairman, you should do it now."

Amusement danced in his eyes, I could see it. His mouth twitched as he heard my words, he raised an eye at me.

"Oh so you're into politics now." He remarked, I shook my head.

"No, I'm just saying that they were all looking at you with so much respect, when all of a sudden you're announced as the new chairman, they might object to it."

He chuckled, he actually chuckled. His head got closer, corners of his mouth turning into a grin. 

"One week of studying with Raima and you're an expert now."

He commented, coming near me. I breathed in deeply as his hand encircled my shoulder.

He pushed the strap of my nightgown off my right shoulder, touching the naked space.

"Well, she's a good teacher." I whispered out, too distracted to say anything more.

As he heard my thoughts on Raima, he looked at me, face suddenly firm.

"Steer clear of Raima, she might be good at what she does but that doesn't change the fact that she ran away from her home with a boy she berely knew."

I knew that. Raima had been working here with the first lady even before she was the first lady.

And Sami was the most trusted man of my husband. He was the Head of his security team and before that, he was the security incharge of his mother.

"Who she's married to, now, and who also happens to be your most trusted man." I added. He simply shrugged.

"Doesn't change the fact that she betrayed her family. Infact, Sami told her not to do that and she still did it. Ofcourse he married her but it wasn't his decision to run away, it was hers."

Raima, yesterday, told me that she had tried to convince her parents, she had begged and pleaded but it had been of no use. His father had slapped her right across the face, telling her that she was an ungrateful kanjari.

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