Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Are you thirsty?" She asked in rapid fire, concern dawning on her. I couldn't help the surge of warmth that ran through me at the genuine concern that washed over her just now.

"I'm a bit thirsty, do you mind grabbing me something to drink?" My voice cracked slightly, emotions coming back to me from earlier that day. Lyndsey nodded quickly, taking a glance at Jared before leaving us alone to grab the refreshments.

"She really cares for you." He noted, an amused tone in his voice.

"Yeah..." I whispered, the smile forming on my lips growing bigger by the moment.

"What's her story? I know she is a model, but what about her family? Are they back in New Zealand?"

"She's from Australia actually." He nodded for me to continue, "She lost her family in a pretty gruesome way. I won't go into details, but her father brutally murdered her mother and sister back home." Jared's brows raised slightly at that.

"Really now?" His voice seemed intrigued by this. "What's her full name?" He asked, taking out his notepad and pen. I raised my brows in question at this action.

"Why do you want her name... you don't seriously think that Lyndsey would do this to me, do you?" I asked, anger filling my being now. He looked taken aback by my tone, even I was. We sat their in silence when Lyndsey returned with a cup of boiling hot tea, handing it to me. I'm positive she could feel the tension between Jared and myself now while I refused to look away from him. Jared took a questioning glance to Lyndsey before standing.

"Given me a call when the blood results are back from the poison report." Her said with a knowing look, making me shrink now. He took another glance to Lyndsey before taking his leave.

She was quiet for a moment before sliding her hand in mine. Glancing out the window, I wasn't ready to talk about what just happened between Jared and myself just yet. I wanted a moment of peace first. I felt her squeeze my hand lightly, drawing me back to her. Lyndsey gave me a reassuring smile, kissing the top of my hand briefly.

"You don't have to talk about it." She offered respectfully, making my chest dip slightly. I only smiled in returned, leaning my head back against the pillow that was propped up. I was so exhausted still and I just wanted to relax somewhere but here. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I want to run away." Lyndsey laughed at my blunt answer, tilting her head in agreement to that.

"Let's run away then." She shrugged, an adorable grin adorning her face. I chewed on the side of my cheek when the memory of what Jared showed me moments ago. I should probably inform her, right?

"That may actually be a smart option." I started, "Apparently Robert was sighted in Los Angeles driving my mothers car." I sighed, her hand squeezing me tightly. I lifted the photo up to show her. "There is another person in the car with him though, some guy with a tattoo on his left wrist but I can't seem to make it out." She took the photo, taking a look at it. I took a long sip of the soothing tea almost jumping out of my skin when she gasped dramatically.

"That's Brian..."


He parked the car off the coast, somewhere far away from the busy streets of L.A. Taking a long drag of his cigar as he stepped outside the car, slamming the door abruptly. Walking to the front of the car, he waiting patiently for another car to arrive.

Tires screeched to a halt in front of him, but his stance didn't falter once.

"You're late." the deep voice boomed in the night sky.

"I'm sorry, it has been very hectic at the studio. Lyndsey has caused some pretty big issues." The scattered voice offered before offering more photos to the taller man. "I hope these make up for it." He smiled sheepishly, handing over a rather large pile now.

The older man offered a devilish grin before placing his cigar off to the corner of her lips, shifting through the photos of Lyndsey and Valerie at the hospital.

"Oh Brian, you get such delicate moments, don't you?"

"Anything for you, Dad. I want to make sure you get revenge on this bitch for framing you." His voice filled with spite.

"Don't worry, we will." He said, patting him on the back. Robert reached in the back of his car, grabbing a pistol and handing it over to the younger man. "Make your old man proud and kill that fucking bitch of hers. Leave Lyndsey to me."

"Dad, I've never shot anyone before... what If I go to jail?" Brian gulped, unsure of these plans now as he glanced at the weapon in his hands.

"Don't you want to make me proud of you?" He smiled warmly, wrapping his arm around Brian's shoulders. This made Brian look up quickly, nodding vehemently.

"More than anything!" He spoke with such passion, causing a sickening grin to form on Roberts lips.

"Then make me proud, end this cunts life for me. If you get caught, you gladly take the fall, do I make myself clear? This is only way I will ever give you my love son." Brian frowned, nodded in agreement.

"Anything for you, dad." He said, rushing to his car. "I'll do it as soon as she leaves the hospital."

"That's my boy, but remember, leave your sister alone. She's mine." He smiled, a devious glint in his eye.

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