Chapter 9

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Harrys pov -

Walking out of those doors is the hardest thing I have ever done, knowing that she is in there somewhere but there's nothing I can do right now.

I hate it!

I hate knowing what they're doing to her and I hate knowing that it's because of me, it's my fault!

"I'm so sorry, baby" I whisper to the air and one more tear falls as I picture her scared face.

She must be in so much pain right now and she must be so damn scared...

And it's all my fault.

"Hey" Lou gives me a small nod "we'll get her, don't worry"


That was three days ago now, three fucking days that she's been there, locked up, abused and scared.

"We can't fucking wait any longer! Let's just get her now!" I growl out.

We're currently in a meeting, discussing how we're gonna free her, the meeting had been going on for three fucking days and there's still no fucking plan.

Suddenly my phone rings and I lose my breath as her name flashes on the screen "Olivia?!" I'm out of breath as I answer but there's only silence from the other end.

I can hear a smacking sound and it's followed by a thump and a low groan "Don't you fucking hit her!" I growl


I can't speak.. I'm just stood there holding my phone against my ear and tears in my eyes, she sounds so weak, so broken and so fucking scared that it kills me that I can't hold her and tell her that everything will be okay. 'Cause I have a feeling that it won't...


"I'm here Livy, I'm here" it's barely a whisper but I can tell she heard it from the small sigh of relief she lets out "I'm so sorry baby, I'll find you I promise!"

"Don't!" Another smack is heard and I growl

"I said, don't fucking hit her!"

A whimper is heard from Olivia and I know they're still hurting her.

"Whatever you're doing to her, stop, right now, or I will fucking kill you!"

"Harry" it's so small and full of pain that I lose it

"Please" I beg with a small voice, begging them to stop hurting her.

"Stick to the fucking script" one of the men hiss at her and I have to bite my lip not to cuss him out for speaking to her like that.

"Harry" she's uncertain and I know what comes next won't be good "I don't want you to look for me" she rushes out before another smack, thump and cry of pain is heard and then the line goes dead.

I curse, loudly, and the lads looks at me but they all stay silent, no one daring to speak.

"Fucking hell!" I curse again and finally Lou steps up to me

"What happened?"

"She fucking messed up, that's what happened! She couldn't just stay to the fucking script and they fucking hit her, Lou, fucking hit her! Over and over! And I couldn't stop them!" I'm yelling, I know it's not his fault but I'm fucking pissed right now and since I can't take it out on the ones I'm pissed at without them taking it out on Olivia, Lou will just have to man the fuck up and take it.

"Hey Haz, where're you going?" He calls after me as I storm out.

"To fucking get my girl!"

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