Chapter 3

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So sorry for the long wait guys but here's a chapter for you :) Don't forget to vote and comment!

Olivias Pov:

"Olivia do I have any milk?" Harry calls from the kitchen, ugh he's so lazy, why can't he just check in the refrigerator himself.
Pushing myself up from the couch I make my way into the kitchen, rolling my eyes at him as he's smiling innocently at me "No I think you're out of it" I answer as I fail to spott the milk.

Turning around I let out a sigh as he's smirking at me "Please?" he begs and I roll my eyes again "fine" I sigh and head towards the door, grabbing my jacket as I pass it.
"Olivia" he calls and hurries after me "I love you" he whispers as he embraces me and kiss my lips "I love you too" I answer and head out. Halfway down the stairs he stops me again "here" he says as he hands me some money "I don't want you paying for it" he smiles and I start walking again, I still don't get why he can't just go with me I mean he has a car so it would go twice as fast if he just drove to the store but instead I have to walk across the entire town.

Finally arriving at the store I make my way towards the milk, I've had this uneasy feeling the entire walk here, like someone is watching me but everytime I turn to look there's no one there, I just can't shake the feeling though. I grab the milk and head to pay for it but as I reach the check out I let out a groan, there's literally a twenty minutes line.

Twentyfive minutes later I'm walking back towards Harrys home, still annoyed at him for making me walk instead of taking the car.

The uneasy feeling is still there, I can almost swear that someone is following me but I still can't see anyone, there's litterally no one else here.

To make it all even better it begins to rain so not only do I have another thirty minutes walk, I'm already soaked and I'm really starting to freak out, I mean why can't I see anyone, I can even hear steps every now and then but there's still no one there.

I increases the speed, desperate to get back to safety, back to Harry. Finally I'm running up the steps to his place and I slam the door behind me, my breath caught in my throught, but as I finally starts to relax, realising that whoever it was can't reach me now, I notice three people sitting in the living room.

I recognize them all, one of them I know more than well, Harry, the others I know of, Louis and Zayn. So that's why he wanted me to go to the store, he was meeting them, and he didn't want me to know, angry I make my way to the bedroom, leaving the milk by the door, if he wants it he can get it himself.

I slam the door and lay down on the bed, only seconds after, the door opens again "Olivia" Harry says lowly, I can hear that he's worried about my reaction but I don't care, I'm angry and he deserves to know it.

"Piss off" I curse him out and he sighs before laying down next to me, putting his arms around me "Don't be mad love, I just needed to talk to them" he whispers as he nuzzles his head into my neck. I almost give away but remind myself that I'm angry at him "No you said you wouldn't go back to being like that if I stayed away from Niall" I whine and he sighs again.

"I know baby and I won't I promise but       they're still my friends" he tries, his voice pleading. "I know, it's just..." I start but am cut off by Louis "Harry we need to go" I turn to look at Harry and he looks like he's having an internal battle on either he should go with them or stay with me.

"Just go" I spit at him and his face falls "Olivia I wouldn't if I didn't have to, you know that" he tries but i refuse to look at him, I can't, if I did I know I'd cry. He's leaving, the thought of the person following me comes to my mind and a shiver goes down my back, of course Harry notice.

"What's wrong?" he asks, his voice full of worry and anger, knowing that something isn't right "Nothing, I mean it's just that when I was walking to the store there was this.." I start but am cut off once again "Harry we have to leave now" Zayn yells and Harry looks towards the door and then back at me, a rushed look on his face "I'm sorry, what?" he asks but I know     he's stressed to leave "There was just this..."

"HARRY" Louis yells and Harry stands up       "I'm sorry Olivia but I have to go, you can tell me when I get back" he looks at me pleading, begging me to say it's fine. "but Harry I'm sca..." "HARRY" both Zayn and Louis yells and he walks out through the door "I love you" he calls back at me and I can hear Louis and Zayn snicker at him "Wimp" followed by a "Shut up" by Harry.

And as the door closes behind them I break down, he wouldn't even let me finish, he promised it wouldn't be the same, that he wouldn't do those things again, that he wouldn't be that guy anymore.

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