Chapter 4.

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Harry's pov:

I feel bad for sending her off to the store, especially since just minutes before she entered the kitchen I had been pouring the last two bottles of milk down the drain.

But Louis and Zayn would be here any minute and I needed her out of here before that. She can't know what's going on, if she did she'd leave me.

I promised her that I would leave this life behind, that the whole gang-life was over. But you see it's not that simple, you can't just quit.

"Ey Haz, you home?" Lou shouts as he enters my house, without knocking of course, wouldn't really be Lou if he did.


They both enter the kitchen and we all do the head nod in greating.

They take a seat by the table and I join them after handling them each a beer and taking a gulp of my own before letting out a sigh "she's gonna be pissed"

"Then don't let her find out, it's been working this long hasn't it?" Zayn shrugs and I roll my eyes at how naive he's being.

"So what's going on?" I know I'm being impatient but I need this to go quick, if they're still here when Olivia comes back I'm screwed.

"They're getting closer, boss wants us to take care of it before it reaches here" Lou explains and I sigh

"Fine, what's the plan?"

"We're meeting at his tonight, he got some news for us all" Zayn cuts in and I groan, Olivia is gonna kill me if I'm gone all night.

"You really are whipped, huh?" Lou chuckles and I shrug

"So? I'm not embarresed by it, I mean look at her, who wouldn't be whipped?"

"True, I mean that ars.." he doesn't get further before I have him shoved up against the wall, my hand fisting his shirt just under his chin.

"Finish that sentence and I won't hesitate to cut your fucking eyeballs out, you hear me? Olivia is mine and I'd be damned before I let anyone look at her like that ever again!" I growl and Lou lifts his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry Haz, it was just a joke. I mean she really does have a nice... woah I'm kidding, she's yours I know!" He rush out as I give him another shove against the wall.

We both sit back down and Zayn just chuckles at us "You'd think you out of everyone would know not to comment on Harrys girl, Lou"

"Yeah well it was just supposed to be a joke" Lou tries to defend himself and I huff.

"Yeah, well keep your fucking jokes to yourself then"

"Relax man, I wouldn't do that to you, you know that! Olivia is yours and I'm happy for you"

"I know, I'm sorry I guess I'm just worried for when all this blows up in my face. She'll leave me and I don't think I'd survive that."

"Always the dramtic one huh?" Zayn smirks "just make sure she doesn't find out and everything will be fin.."

He's interupted by the front door slaming shut and I curse under my breath, Olivia is back!

She takes one look at us and her face fills with shock, confusion, realisation and then finnaly anger. She drops the milk by the door and storms off, slaming the door to my bedroom shut. Shit she's pissed!

I send the lads a shrug before making my way towards the bedroom and the girl that I love.
When I open the door I see her laying down on the bed "Olivia" I don't know if she will even speak to me and I'm worried she will just leave me.

"Piss off" she curse and in a way I am relieved, at least she's speaking to me. I let out a sigh before laying down next to her, I notice that she's soaked and I feel even worse for making her walk in the rain.

I wrap my arm around her and nuzzle my head into her neck, whispering "don't be mad love, I just needed to talk to them"

"No you said you wouldn't go back to being like that if I stayed away from Niall" She whines and I let out another sigh.

"I know baby and I won't I promise but       they're still my friends" I try to reason with her.

"I know, it's just..." she starts to mumble but is cut off by Louis

"Harry we need to go"

She turn to look at me and I try to decide what to do, I know I should just stay with her, hell all I want is to stay with her but I have to go with the lads tonight.

"Just go" She spits out and I can feel my face fall at her harsh tone, I'm not sure she'll still be here when I get back.

"Olivia I wouldn't if I didn't have to, you know that" I try to make her understand but she won't even look at me. I can see the tears in her eyes and I nearly tell her that I'll stay, just to make sure they don't fall. Just as I'm about to open my mouth something in her eyes changes, something flashes by, fear?

"What's wrong?" My voice is full of worry and anger, whatever or whoever has my girl frihetend will pay for it!

"Nothing, I mean it's just that when I was walking to the store there was this.." she finally start talking but again she is cut off, this time it's Zayn yelling

"Harry we have to leave now"

I can't help it, I feel my eyes moving between the door and my girl, I know I have to leave now but her eyes looks so worried

"I'm sorry, what?" I know I'm not giving her the attention she deserves but I know what will happen if we're late for the meeting.

"There was just this..."

"HARRY" Louis yells and I stand up      

"I'm sorry Olivia but I have to go, you can tell me when I get back" I send her a pleading look, begging her to tell me that it's fine.

"but Harry I'm sca..."

"HARRY" both Zayn and Louis yells and I rush out the door calling out a

"I love you"

Lou and Zayn both snicker at me "Wimp"

"Shut up" is all I can say as we walk out the front door, leaving Olivia behind.

All the way over there's this feeling I can't shake, maybe it's guilt for leaving her behind?

A vision of Olivia comes to my mind, her sitting on my bed, her eyes teary and frightend, begging me not to leave her alone.

Suddenly there's this pain shooting through me, I have to get back to her, now!

I can't believe I left her like that.

As the meeting begins I still can't shake the uneasy feeling of something being horribly wrong...

I am so sorry for the long wait guys, I honestly had forgotten all about this story until someone dm'd me asking me about it the other day. Anyway here's a chapter for those of you who are still reading. If you want me to continue writing on it then don't forget to let me know by voting and commenting.

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