Chapter 8

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Trevor's POV
I felt different, she looked different. I felt different stronger energy going through me then I saw her face, eyes, lips... Lips, I wanted to kiss them. What was I thinking? I shook my head but it was too late, the desire in me was too strong, too much. I needed her, I wanted her, I have to have her now, here and now. 
I moved close to her but she took a step back.
"Trevor, what are you doing?" Her sweet voice was fueling my desire. I don't know what I am doing, but I need you Sky. I need you!!! I kept on screaming in my head then her beautiful brown eyes turned to an awesome blazing red. She was feeling the same way I was feeling.
I went to her and pulled her close to me with one hand around her waist and one in her hair as our lips met. I kissed her full of lust, softly and I was, wanted, felt her. She was all I could see now and in my head all I could think of was her and nothing more.
She wrapped her hands around my head and grabbed my hair as I traced my lips to her earlobe biting it gently which earned me a moan from her. I lifted her and she wrapped her feet around my torso pulling me closer to her. I took her to the king size bed.
I woke up next to Sky. She was dressed in the Dragon royal dress so was I.
"What happened?" I thought aloud and I heard her shift. She then looked at me from my chest and shuffled fast away from me.
"You...." She hesitated. "You are awake!!!" She paused. "Why are you on the bed? why am I on your bed? Why are we in these clothes?" She remembered nothing, I do. I remember making love to her, I remember kissing her, I remembered everything. I tried not thinking about it. "Trevor, what happened?"
"I don-don't know." I shrugged, if she knew nothing then I don't. "I just woke up."
"Wait, why are you shocked I'm on the bed?" That was something I didn't know.
"All I remember is performing magic I don't remember knowing then you were awake, that's all."She said as innocently as she could but something was off.
"Oh, thank you for saving my life."I said smiling and she did her cute thing, tucking her hair behind her ear when shy.
"It's nothing compared to what you did to me. You gave your fire for me." She smiled. "That cost your life. You didn't have to do that."
"I did it because I like you." I watched as her cheeks turned pink. "I mean, I did it because it all started with me." I added quickly and she nodded.
"You are right there." She chuckled beautifully. "Let me go get mum and your fa- our father." I smiled happily, she just accepted dad. 'Now, get over it.' She smiled and got out of the room.
'Taestro, where are you?' in a minute I saw Taestro come through the window and started leaping around happily. He then came to me and pushed his face on my chest wanting a hug. I kissed his face and wrapped my hands around it. 'It's good to see you buddy.' But he never replied just gave me a smile, I think. What is happening?
'Sky, please come back.' I called troubled. The door bust open and dad, Sky and mum Hannah came in a rush.
"What's wrong Trevor?" Sky said not waiting for others to speak.
"I can't hear my dragon's voice." I said devastated, how could I leave without my dragon?
"Relax, we'll see to that. It's only temporary." She tried to smile but I felt this was not as easy as she made it sound. She then got out with Snow saying that she will be back.
"Hey son, how are you feeling?" Dad sat to my right as mum Hannah to my left.
"I don't know, I feel awesome but without Taestro's voice, I feel horrible." I said and Taestro placed his head on my lap, his wing on mum and started rubbing his head on my thigh wanting some attention. I reached for his head and stroke his ears and he started purring.
Sky's POV
Something is definitely wrong. One can't just loose his connection with a dragon. Especially the communication. I rushed over to Margarita's looking for answers.
"Hey queen, how are you? Not seen you for two days." She said as she continued with her potions.
"I'm okay. Trevor's awake."
"Ah, what a great news. We need to celebrate. Tea?" I shook my head but she still gave me. "You eventually found out how to save him right?" I nodded.
"Why didn't you tell me that I could?"
"You were not ready my girl. You had to be ready." She then turned to a huge pot storing it. "There's a problem. Otherwise you couldn't be here now." I drank the tea and it was the sweetest I have ever tasted.
"This is good." She nodded. "Trevor lost communication with his dragon."
She stopped what she was doing and turned to me. "That's not good. How's that even possible?"
"I don't know." I shrugged. "I can still hear Taestro's voice."
"Oh!" She sighed and let out a huge breath. "If his voice is there then there's nothing to worry. How much of fire did Taestro use to bring Trevor back?"
'Taestro, how much fire did you use to bring Trevor back?" I felt him happily purring.
'I don't know, I just feel like I used all my energy to it." He then closed the link without my permission but I let him, I'm sure he wanted to be with Trevor.
"Almost all of it." I said.
"Hope's not lost. You can Chanel it." She said not being sure.
"Will you come with me?" She shook her head. I stood.
"I wish I could but I have to deal with the hospital's medicine." I nodded and went back.
I found Taestro up side down and Trevor scratching his belly and he was enjoying it.
"I think I know a way of helping you." They looked up.
"Okay, what's the plan?" Trevor asked.
"I need you to come here and sit across each other and I in the middle." They did as I started working on my energy. I then stretched my hands out with two fingers on each one of their foreheads. There was a brief heat between us and then I took Trevor's hand and placed it on Taestro's head and waited listening to their thoughts.
'Hey, Taestro. I know we can do this.' I heard Trevor but there was silence in return. 'Taestro, don't give up on us now, please.' Still no reply. He then kept quiet and then said. 'I love you buddy and although we don't communicate I will never leave you.' He was sad and I felt Taestro whimper. 'Don't be sad buddy. We are still strong.'
'Trevor.' He was struggling. I placed my two fingers on top of Trevor's hand that was on Taestro trying to give them some more energy. 'Trevor!' He said easily. 'Don't be sad.' Trevor lit up and jumped on him. 'Oh you don't know how much I wanted to talk to you. How do you feel? I'm okay, I am happy now.......' Taestro talked breathlessly and I left them go their own.
I got onto Snow who took me to the sky and we talked about everything including what happened after they left us alone. We then went to the city to have fun and bring Berry with us. I felt his dragon but didn't tell him.
"Sky, let me come with you please...." Marie begged me after me denying about a hundred times. I wanted her safe. "You just can't have both hot men alone. I'll ride with Prince Trevor. I won't be trouble, I promise." I smiled.
"Okay then but no talking too much, fine?" she nodded happily.
Later in the evening I went to Trevor's room and found him still chatting with Taestro. I shut the door quietly and went and slept next to Snow.
Tonight they talk and rest, tomorrow, we leave for our journey.

Hope you enjoyed😘

The Dragon Queen.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang