Chapter 2

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Sky's POV
I ran around the castle in the private sector. Only where the king and his son are allowed. The guards had no problem with it actually ever since I was born. I've never seen the king in person but he's the best. He's been taking great care of me and mum. Mum said that I used to be fond of the king. That I would spend most of the time with him and his son but as I grew we started growing apart even with his son.
"Sky! Quit running around and come help me out in the kitchen." Mum called out from behind. She came and pulled me downstairs to the kitchen.
"So, what will we be making?" I asked her as we reached the kitchen.
"I'll be the one cooking, you go help the maids with the cleaning." She pushed me towards Marie. I pouted like a child.
"Mum....." She smiled and turned.
"Go get some milk from Susan's. We need more." She said and I got out skipping as I greeted the guards. I went through the streets admiring people and shops.
"You little thief, you are going to the dungeon once again. You never learn." I saw a soldier pulling a kid towards the cart. I ran to their direction and held the soldier's hand.
"Let him go." I said "Take me instead. He is a young kid and you don't know what is the reason." the soldier looked at me shocked.
"What are you doing young miss." He said. "You'll get in trouble just stay out of this." He pushed me away. I stood and went back to him.
"I rather get in trouble but let him go." I said pulling his hand and by this time everyone was around me.
"Okay then, you shall receive his sentence but shall not be judged by your gender." I smiled as the kid skipped happily.
"Can I have one request please before you take me. Please?...." He looked into my eyes before nodding. I was shocked but continued. "Can we please take him to his home first, I want to make sure he reaches home safely." He looked at me shocked. He looked at his colleagues and spoke something to them and followed me as the kid led the way.

We went through a dark alley before reaching to a busy street then turned left to another alley but this one was not dark, I later realised that we were at a slum. I looked at the kids as they watched me. I reached for my basket and gave them some bread then continued, the soldier did nothing and said nothing.
We reached at a place which had a tent and some clothes hanged outside. The kid whistled and four other kids came running to him.
"Berry, what did you bring us today?" They asked as they surrounded him. He gave each a hug then turned to me.
"I'm home now, thank you." He said with a smile. I smiled back and turned to the guard.
"Let's go now, I'm satisfied."I said walking.
"How's mama?" I overheard him and stopped.
"She's not fine, I went around asking for help but didn't succeed. Did you?" The oldest of the girls, I presume, said. I turned only to find the soldier turned too.
"No, I'm sorry. I got caught." His face was down then lit up. "But we still have tomorrow. She'll be fine." They all cheered except for his sister, the situation was bad but he was trying to lift their spirits. "Tonight we eat apples and a little bread I managed to get. At least we won't sleep hungry tonight." He faced me only to realize I was listening. "Ain't you leaving?" He asked politely.
"No, I overheard you. I can't help but worry. Where's your mother?" I asked worried. They took me to her, she was bad, really bad if not taken to a Medical Center any time soon, she might die. I told the soldier to carry her and we went fast to the Medical Center which was a tent right in the middle of the center. They looked after her as I paid five gold coins and taking the kids out to eat. It was starting to get late but I was getting occupied with the family. At night the nurse came saying that she was fine. I left relieved.
"Hey, I didn't even get your name." Berry asked. I looked at his face, he was around 15 but was taller.
"Sky, my name is Sky." I said smiling. "If you people need anything don't hesitate to go to the king, he's always busy with stuff but he also has time for his people." I left leaving him with the last two gold coins I had. He said his thanks before me turning to the soldier. "Shall we go?" He looked around and asked.
"To the dungeon." He smiled and shook his head.
"No, I don't see any offense committed. You are a very nice person. May your life be blessed. Do you need any escort?" He asked and smiled nodding, I needed it, i was a girl and walking on the streets alone in the dark is scary. Just as we started to walk three palace guards came in front of me.
"Sky, where have you been? Your mother is worried and so is the king, we have been looking for you for hours." I looked at the very worried Eric.
"Relax, I was helping up and I am not alone, he was bringing me home." I said and then two kids came running to me for a hug.
"Thank you sky." I leaned and gave them a kiss on their foreheads.
"Go, and take good care of mum for me okay?" They nodded and ran back smiling. I looked at Eric and he was grinning.
"Got into mischief again? Thank you Martin, we'll take her home." So that's his name. He took my hand and led me home after telling the others to call off the search. "So tell me about everything."
We walked back to the castle talking about the kids till we reached at our door.
"You are going alone I don't want to be dragged in this. Your mum will kill me too." I laughed as I opened the door. I was immediately engulfed in a hug.
"Oh Sky, never do that again okay?" She kissed my cheek.
"Thought you would be mad." Came out as a question.
"I am really mad. I'm just glad you are back safe." She said as she made me sit next to her only bed. "Now, tell me what happened out there. You'd seem happy."
I had to narrate the whole story again then an idea hit me.
"Mum, can I ask you for a favor, please." She nodded. "Can you ask the king to help me with something, I know you are close." She tucked her hair behind her ear. She always does that when nervous. She looked at my curious eyes.
"Okay, I'll see what i can do. Tell me what your plan is." I gave her my plan and she nodded agreeing. "I like it and I guess the king will love it."
She tucked me to bed even after always insisting that I am 15 turning 16 in one week. I slept and had one of the weirdest dream ever.
I was at the sky, beyond the clouds. I could feel the wind hitting my face and I smiling watching the sun forcing it's way up the horizon. It was a beautiful scene and I didn't want to leave there. I stayed longer then all of a sudden I was falling fast, I wasn't scared. I was diving and it felt wonderful. I landed on my feet and faced the direction of the castle, I was at the forest.
'Find me.' a voice in my head said. I woke up fast and looked around, I was at the castle on my bed. I shrugged and got out of the bed. I showered and got out of my room only to meet Eric at the door.
"Morning, I believe you have a plan for today." I nodded smiling. "Let's begin working on it, the guards are on the packing unless you want to help." I nodded again too happy to speak. Mum is the greatest. She convinced the king.
We head out and helped the guards and was taken with them. We had seven carts full of food, some clothing and gold. The king allowed me to have everyone have these and promised I would do this every weekend. I was the happiest person alive.
We headed for the slums and stopped as everyone watched. A crowd started forming around us then I saw two heads trying to get in between the crowd.
"Hey, Berry, how are you, how is mum." I said getting down.
"Hi Sky, what are you doing here and with the royal carts?" He asked.
"I work at the castle and the king allowed me to bring these to you."
"Wow, that's awesome. We are so grateful." He said and I turned to Eric who gave me a sack of rice and wheat and tunic which I gave it to them. I went on as the villagers aligned themselves.
I went on the whole day till the last person got. Everyone came back happy after taking their things home.
"Thank you young lady may the lord bless you." She said as she touched my cheeks then retreated. "My queen!!!" She sound shocked.
"No ma'am, call me Sky. That's my name." I said smiling.
"No, you are a queen. Your time is now." She said serious and I shook my head.
"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm of no royalty." I said trying to be calm.
"Well then we'll call you our queen of our streets." A man shouted behind and I heard loud cheers. "Thank you our queen of our streets."
"No need of thanking me, thank your King. He is the one who allowed this." I said and they started chanting street queen and I felt my head hurt and spinning and blackness overcame after I heard Eric's voice.
"Sky, are you okay?"

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