Chapter 19

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Trevor's POV
They tried sedating me but it was useless, I kept track of my queen. I ensured she was breathing and fine. Her eyes opened and were teary.
"Trevor?" She started panicking.
"Shh, I'm right here. I'll never leave you. I tried moving and rattled the chains breaking them again. I tried reaching for her but I couldn't.
"It dark, I can't see you. Where are you?" What have they done? I got mad, the collar was warn out. What did they do to my love? "Trevor, it's hot. Where are you?"
"I'm coming for you my love." I flamed up again using a voice that wasn't mine.
"Yes love."
"I love you." I'm sure my heart stopped. My fire got hotter. I held the bars and they melted. Every step I took had my heart beating faster. I held the bars and exerted more energy on it, they had done something to it. I pushed myself further till there was a little molten pieces and I started punching it feeling weak. It broke just enough space for me and Petunia to get through. I cupped her face and she felt cold, very cold so I kissed her.
"Hey bebe, you ready to get out of here?" She nodded and wrapped her hand around my neck and her legs around my waist. "Hold on tight. It's going to be a bumpy ride." She tightened her hold. 'Taestro where are you.'
'Some place, trying to keep Snow away from these people. She's weak.' I moved past the bars holding Sky tightly, I needed to calm down because I was attracting attention with fire around. I buried my head in her shoulder and took in a big breath inhaling her scent.
"Why do you smell so good even after being in the dungeon for almost a week?" She chuckled making me feel calm.
"It's a secret." She whispered in my ear. I flamed down pulling her head so I could look into those beautiful brown eyes.
"You know I love you right?" She nodded giving me a small peck.
"Get me out of here my night and shining armour." I laughed and ran in the direction of... A path. I ensured that it was safe, cut out the guards who were caught unaware and left some who were lazying around. By the time I was at the main door the alarm was off. I hid Sky between some rocks then went back pretending I was alone.
"Dragon King." I shook myself taking the royal attire. "Oh, I see. The collar didn't work for you. The queen, she's still weak, isn't she?"
"Leave her out of this." I flamed up again getting a sword of fire, just like Sky's. "What did the dragons do to you?"
"17 years ago....." I wasn't ready for the bullshit he was going to tell me so I cut him shot.
"I'm not going that Memory Lane with you. What do you want?" He glared at me.
"I want you all dead. It is because of you most people are dead, my family,  parents, wife and children." I paused. Oh.
"So how does that involve my mate?" I asked, are we having a conversation?
"She dies, you all die." I laughed.
"You are wrong. We." I caught an arrow aimed at me then burnt it. The the others came but couldn't penetrate me. "We die, they die. It's hard killing me, us if you haven't noticed." I lifted my palm and murmured a spell and fire ran all over killing everyone around the place. "I would never ever let my Sky die." I moved towards him letting fire consume him. I was letting my power overcome me.
"Trevor?" I tried calming down, the building was going down and it felt so good. "Trevor, it's okay. We are safe. Where are you? Please come get me." That got me into my senses. I ran to her and wrapped her hands and legs around me. "We are okay." She traced her finger on my face and landed where she wanted, my lips. Her fingers lingered there for a moment as I read her mind.
"Yeah, we will be okay. How do you feel?" She kissed me.
"I miss the light. I can't see anything. I miss your face." A tear fell and I wiped it off with my thumb. I placed my forehead on hers letting her see through me. "How did you do that?"
"Studying all year."
"I feel, look beautiful, very beautiful." She smiled.
"Well you are a precious gem to me." I kissed her. "I love you."
"I love you too." I got out and found Trevor with Snow and a couple of dead guys. "Snow?" I took her to her. She held her snout and kissed it blinking a few times. "Shall we all go home?" I guess her sight was back. I nodded and got onto Taestro.
"I missed you buddy." He flapped his wings following Snow and Sky.
'I missed you too. How is she?'
'I think Snow will help in her recovery, now we need to find the castle.'
'Your father might have an idea.'
'Hunter. Glad we can get to you.'
'Where did they take you? Are you guys okay?'
'Yeah we are. We'll meet you at my father's.'
'Okay then. See you.' We headed to to my father's palace and made sure Sky was okay before we went for dinner. I'll always overreact whenever Sky got into something dangerous. Her safety is always in my mind.
"So, how come you got out unscratched?" Berry asked distracting me from watching my love. I scowled. "Come on, tell us everything else you want sky to explode from embarrassment?" I laughed at her red face but noticed that Hunter was also way far in thoughts and by looking at things, he's thinking about Berry.
"Speak for Hunter." He turned and smacked him to which he got a kiss on the cheek and his face went pink. We all laughed. "Well, They couldn't touch me. I was so furious and they couldn't calm me down so I relaxed just because they had Sky." They nodded in understanding as I explained the whole story.
"So for now father, we need to know where the castle is. I have a plan in a way I might help riders protect their dragons." Sky said holding my hand tighter.
"That, I forgot. The moment Lisa turned evil, everything we knew about the castle was erased from our minds." He drank his wine. "But maybe, you could ask one of the ice dragons. She does know and if you ask her nicely, she might let you in. She'll first have to assess you if you are worth getting in."
"Oh, so who's she?" I asked curious. We needed to stop the hunters and we needed the castle to.
"Kassandra." Sky squealed as we approached her. She was standing at the main doors waiting for us. "I missed you." She hugged her and she looked as stunning as usual. Tevin came and took Sky in his arms.
"We missed you queen." He spoke putting her down and she smacked him.
"You know I don't like that."
"Okay, okay. Sorry Sky."
"So, how have you been?" Before I could answer Kassandra, she flicked my forehead. "That's for not coming after promising me too weeks ago."
"Sorry, got into trouble with the hunters. Hunter let Berry out!!!" I shouted and Sky and Kassandra ran to their chariot. I laughed they wouldn't miss a chance of embarrassing Berry. Their faces changed as Sky turned to me.
"He's not responding." I heard Kassandra. "Hunter, hunter." I ran to their direction. I held Sky's hand as she held Berry's and I held Hunter's.
"Spirits?" Sky nodded.
"She's here. Close but far, she's everywhere." I raised an eyebrow.
"My king, queen." A floating blob came then formed itself to a human. "To what honour do we owe to have you?"
"Where's Berry and Hunter?" Sky asked first.
"The Kings are at their assessment."
"Then why did we have to follow them and you had to go to them?" She asked confused.
"We already know your souls. The moment you got into this kingdom, your souls showed themselves. Your aura shows everything about you but since you are already here, let's speak?"
"We want to talk to Siera." I said trying to make anything out of everything.
"I am she, don't worry about the Kings, they are fine and well taken care of." I faced her shocked. I pulled Sky closer feeling like I needed her close.
"Okay, hello Siera." She laughed. "We wanted to know where the castle is. I think I can try something in a way that riders could protect their dragons."
"Okay, what plan is this?" Sky looked at me and I nodded so she continued.
"I am looking for a way of using my powers in making all dragons one with their riders. They'll be born with them but royalty will run in blood unless we do something about it."
"Okay, your idea is of goodwill but do you understand the price of doing this? Why do you need the castle?" She floated around.
"The castle will be open for every dragon shifter but a spell will be cast in a way no dragon shifter will be able to get in not unless he or she is a mate of one of us." Sky said but something hit me.
"What do you mean by price of doing this?" I asked.
"All this will be needed to be done by a blood spell, she might loose most of her powers. You too might loose them." I shrugged.
"I really don't care for my powers for now as long as they are all safe." I said and Sky nodded in agreement.
"I know but the most important thing is that you'll lose fertility, you'll never be able to give birth all your and you both know that 1000 years for you will be equivalent to 1 year normal life." I turned to Sky.
"Oh come on Siera. You just had to do that." Kassandra's voice came through. "Couldn't you like, give them a break first?"
"Sorry Sandra. I couldn't help it." Her voice was sad.
"Hey, it's okay. You know how you get when you do this. Finish fast then rest. Okay?"
"Okay." Her attention was on me. "You should think about it okay?" We both woke up.

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