Chapter 4

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Trevor's POV
I kept on moving further and further away from the castle. I just felt the urge of going ahead, I felt that something awesome was going to happen. I have been feeling very weak the past few weeks and was confined into the castle. It took a lot of persuasion to be allowed out by Eric. I looked at the sky and it was calm, the perfect day for horse riding.
"Greetings my prince."I heard Margarita's voice from behind and turned.
"What are you doing here?" I asked shocked.
"Your journey is going to be long do you'll need this." She gave me a backpack and a potion. "This will give you energy for a while, so if your looking for something, you better find it soon." I looked at her confused. "Just follow your dreams and the spiral on your palm." and she disappeared.
"what just happened?" Brave brayed as if answering my question and continued forward. I went on for two days stopping four times for rest till I came to a thick forest. I looked at brave and he seemed tired and won't be able to go through the thicket so I told him to go back and continued on foot.
I went on for around eight hours through thorns and thickets and got tired at a clearing. I went under a tree and slept.
I woke up with a lot of energy in me and came face to face with a dragon.
I looked at it as it looked at me smiling, I think. I felt radiance of happiness going through me. As I looked at the dragon's face, I realized that it was his joy I was feeling.
The dragon was deep red, my favourite colour and some shiny black on the wings. I moved a step forward as I studied it carefully without touching it. I felt safe next to him. A small fox passed by stepping a twig and it turned and growled harshly at it. I moved a step forward as I tried to touch it's lovely tail.
It noticed and got exited starting to move it playfully.
"You love playing right?" It looked at me it's blazing red eyes bouncing in excitement. I stopped back and stretched my hand and wanted to touch it's snout. I stopped midway as I felt my palm heating up painfully. He moved forward and it's head touched my palm. It was the best feeling I ever had in my life. My palm grew brighter and brighter then stopped.
'Greetings my king, I'm your dragon." I heard in my mind. I looked around and landed my eyes to him as he shook his head.
"Are you talking to me. You can talk." He nodded. "So... What's your name?"
'I don't have one, you, my rider, are the one to give me one.' I looked at him thoughtfully. A name came to me, Taestro. It's perfect, he's strong and according to my dreams he loves the sky so much. 'That sounds perfect.' He said leaping around me he then pushed his face towards me lovingly. He started purring as I put my hands around his neck as far as it could go.
"So, tell me, what do we do now?" I asked as we completed our connection.
'We will be waiting for the dragon queens to make their connection then we go towards our destiny.
"How old are you?"
'18 just like you. Hatched the same day you were born.' He said smiling.
"What do you think about taking those wings for a test drive?" I asked wanting to badly fly. Taestro roared in joy and laid down waiting for me to climb. I got myself comfortable and in no time we were above the sky watching the sun.

Sky's POV
I went on with princesses for three days and we were tired. We stopped and set up a camp. I gave her some apples and took my last meal. I don't know what I would eat the next day maybe hunt or something, at least I still had some food stuff for princess.
I stood up but I sat back fast. The potion is waring off, I needed to find her fast. I dragged myself into the tent and slept.
'I know you are stronger than you think.' A voice in my head said. This time it hurt so bad. 'Please find me'
'Where are you?' I asked trying to figure out where.
'You'll know when you reach.' and the link closed, she is close, closer than I think.
"Wait till she wakes up, I need to see why they chose her." I heard a voice in the background. I opened my eyes and I saw a few men at the background. What is going on? I groan at my hurt hands and they turned.
"Well, well, well. So our princess is awake." I heard a sing song voice. He cupped my face painfully. "Where is it? Where is it hiding?" I blinked my eyes, I was trying to adjust to the light then I saw his face. Rabon was right in front of me, he was looking for my dragon but if I don't find her, we'll both die.
I felt my strength come to me as I worked my way through the ropes. I managed to fight up the guys using the only way Eric taught me, fighting without beating the others. One of the guys came to me but I was fast jumping above him kicking his butt. as he hit a tree and passing out, other three came to me but I dodged them as I jumped on the tress like a monkey making them get hit with the trees and some vines.
"Enough!!! Enough with the playing around." Rabon said angry as I stepped down. He came to me with a knife forcing a fight between him and me.
I stood and waited for him to make his first move which was a punch which I avoided as he hit the tree behind me and I composed myself using all my strength punching him to knock him out and I fell on my knees unable to move, I felt my body limp as I looked at an unconscious Rabon. He lifted his head groaning after about ten minutes.
He stood up with great difficulty and started laughing as he staggered close with the dagger ready to kill me. I shut my eyes and called out.
'Snow, Snow, I need you.' I didn't know who I was calling to and why but then I heard a weak roar and everyone shouting. I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful white dragon with a little patches of blue, green and black on her scales then red at the tips of the wings. She looked at me worried struggling against the ropes Rabon's men had surrounded her.
'My queen, you have to reach out.' she said weakly. 'We need to make our connection.' She laid her head down and whimpered, she was loosing strength and I felt every minute of it.
'Don't give up, not now. You are a queen. You are not giving up!' I yelled at her head and she opened her yellow eyes looking at me. I felt a surge of strength going through me fast. I stood fast and ran to her fast as I watched her eyes glowing dull, loosing life. Rabon tried to get a hold of me but something pulled him back hitting a rock hard. I ran to Snow and held her my nose against her snout.
'I'm sorry I took long.' I then felt a weird feeling around me as colours surrounded me and my attire change completely to a blue outfit and a crown formed itself on my hair which was pulled to a pony. I looked at my reflection on her eye, I looked awesome.
'Why don't you try this.' She reached for my forehead with hers. I saw myself fully, I was in Snow. I looked at myself again and noticed the group of people surrounding us.
"Let's show them what dragon queens can do." I said as I got onto her. She set ourselves ablaze which was really tickly and we found ourselves laughing then spun causing a ring of fire then flapped her wings hard causing strong winds that made the fire blast out and so we flew high with just a sprint. 'That was awesome.' I said trying not to hide my excitement.
'Yeah, you haven't seen the best.' She said as she started spinning creating a spiral on the clouds. I looked up in awe.
'That's beautiful.' I said that then she dropped me. At first I was scared almost screaming but then relaxed knowing that Snow would come get me. I closed my eyes felt the wind then felt snow glide next to me, she then came close to me as I reached to her and tightened my grip. She then flapped her wings taking me higher then leveled her wings as we watched the sun set.
Of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen.
We stayed up there for a while then I heard snow growl. She was getting defensive.
'What's it Snow?' She shook her head ready to attack, I then saw an image coming from the clouds, a dragon. 'Ready to light it up?' I asked not ready myself.
I heard a screech from her then she fired clearing the clouds. A red dragon appeared with a rider. Snow had her claws out ready for the fight as we flew towards each other she stopped as we saw them clearly and so did they. She turned fast and dived fast into the forest.
I got off and turned to her, she was cursing at herself. She was scared at the same time mad, I felt a lot of emotions running through our link.
"What's wrong? Why did you back up?" I asked worried about her.
'I didn't mean to, I didn't know it was him. I shot at him.' She said worried and let out a distressful roar.
"Who? Who are you talking about." I put my palms on her cheeks.
'The dragon king.' I took a step back.

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