Chapter 17

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Sky's POV
"Just leave please."
"You can't do it. It'll affect the future..."
"I don't care, as long as I have him alive in the future. I won't live without him. I can't live without him. Please. Snow is gone,  Taestro is gone, Trevor is gone, Storm is gone. I'm just a shell without them, Berry is missing." I cried and he held me tighter.
"Lisa did it and you see what she turned to. Please, you have a generation of dragons to keep safe." I shook my head vigorously. I could not do it without him. "You have to let him go, please. Okay then, I'll help you out. But that doesn't mean I agree to it okay?" I nodded lifting my eyes.
He took Trevor's body and placed it under a tree.
"We are going to use nature's energy. The rest is up to you." He took my hand and something happened, different and then I knew that he too was a dragon king. How that happened? The future will know. He held my hand and then passed out. The rest happens in a blur as I drew the patterns I drew earlier then it all blacked out and back we were again.
'Sky, oh thank heavens you are alive. The war is not yet over......' I turned him fast throwing a ball of fire to Marie and spreading it killing her not forgetting to take her magic which was making me feel full. I took hold of his hand and ran towards Berry and Hunter helping them out. The dead were..... Were gone but some of the resistant were still fighting and we were able to contain the situation. We had no casualties except for Berry who was stabbed on his right arm.
"Love, come on, we need to treat that. Next time don't run off okay." I watched shocked as Trevor ran to cup his face inspecting every part of his body.
"I'm okay Trevor." He giggled. "You always overreact whenever I get hurt. It's just a scratch. I ain't dying."
"Don't even say that." Berry lifted his eyes to Trevor's. "Don't ever say that okay?" He nodded. "I love you."
"I love you too." I don't know what happened but it all went black all of a sudden.
"Hey, are you okay?" Hunter was by my side holding my hand.
"What's going on?" He smiled.
"The war is over and we are free." I still looked at him confused. He hugged me but I stayed still. "Wait, did you....?" I nodded. "That's why everything is all weird." I placed my finger on his forehead and his eyes widened. "Oh no."
"I never even got a chance to tell him how much I loved him." I cried. "I never told him I love him." He rubbed my back. "What do  we do?"
"I don't know, we make them remember." He said thinking. "What about the dragons, they might still have their connection."
"Margarita, I need you." I whispered. 'Snow?' She didn't answer but I felt her mad at me. 'Snow, I'm sorry.'
"She does know what happened." He made and oh.
"You shouldn't have." Margarita rushed in. "Didn't you explain everything to her?"
"Wait, how do you know he knew?"
"His dragon is the oldest dragon I know so I presumed he told him."
"Oh, so what do we do? Snow ain't talking to me." I laid my head on Hunter's shoulder. "What have I done?"
"There's still hope." My head shot up fast. "You just have to make them remember." I sighed and laid back on Hunter's shoulder and wrapped his hand around my waist. "How did you remember?"
"She did."
"Nah, that won't work. You knew what she was going to do and you helped her. That's what happened." He moved and positioned me at a comfortable position on his chest. It felt right but at the same time, it felt very wrong. "You need to do it fast though."
"Why?" I asked.
"This." She motioned to us. "Your bond will grow and since you are royalties, it will quicken." I lifted my eyes and met his. Yup, something was definitely happening. I rubbed my chest and so did he. We turned to Margarita for answers. "Well, you are braking a bond. It hurts too."
"Oh!" I whispered.
"Hey Sky, Hunter. We need to address the people. And you need to take over the crown." I paused. That is supposed to be Trevor's crown.
'I know, we need to stall them as we find a way out of this.' I nodded and helped me up. "Can we speak? The five of us?" Trevor nodded and turned to get Berry.
"Now, we make them remember." He nodded and held my hand leading me to dad's office. Marie came in later follow by the so in love couple. My chest's pain increased.
'Hey. He'll remember.' I didn't know if he was talking about Trevor or Berry but I did feel his emotions and he was broken.
"We can't do this now. We'll show up in front of the people but not the other part. Sorry." I couldn't do it now. I watched as he wrapped his arm around Berry trying to keep him warm. That used to be me. Why didn't I tell him that I loved him earlier. Hunter's hand tightened around mine and I turned to him my eyes watery.
'We'll work this out. Don't cry.' But he was late. I cried and he pulled me to him. "Shh, it'll be fine."
"Are you okay Sky?" I couldn't face him. It's all my fault. I raised my lips to his ear.
"Get me out of here." I whispered. He stood and lifted me bridal style. "Thanks." I wrapped my hands around his neck.
"I don't mind. You need to eat something now. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday." I nodded and let darkness take over.

Hunter's POV
I carried her my chest tightening with every tear that dropped from her eyes. Oh no, the bond is getting stronger. I'm torn. I don't know what's really happening but yet I do know everything.
Watching Berry with Trevor did hurt bad. I really tried understanding that they didn't know what was going on but then that is my mate there, loving another. If only I gave it a second and replied back that I loved him too, if only I stopped Sky earlier, if only but I just couldn't keep on thinking on that. How will I be able to get him back? I looked into his beautiful green/blue eyes. Something shifted in them, Margarita was right, there is hope.
"Can we do this tomorrow? She's not feeling well." They nodded. "Thank you."
I put her carefully on the bed and moved looking for storm.
'I miss her.'
'I know but everything is messing up everything.' He tilted his head. 'I really don't know how to put it, Sky is giving in to the bond looking for comfort and she is not making it easier on my side.'
'It's just a temporary side effect, it only affected the 4 of you. Because you all are royalties.' He put his down.
'I ain't royal.' I placed my back on his wing basking in his warmth. It was getting really cold.
'She chose you. There's something you'll have to do in the future.' He shook his head. 'You helped her with the enough power to turn back time. Not anyone could do that. Not even Berry, unless you are fully mates but for now it's only the three of you.'
'What am I going to do? Sky is devastated and it's killing me.'
'You rest, go to Sky and sleep. We'll worry tomorrow okay? Taestro is willing to help us and so is Snow. It will work out.' I nodded and headed for Sky's room and sat next to her bed thinking. I ran my hand through my hair and turned to the coach and slept.
"Hunter? Sorry, I shouldn't even be waking him. Stupid Sky." I heard her footsteps towards the door. I opened my eyes. She was watching me and I couldn't help noticing how full her pink lips were, how beautiful her eyes were, how her waist would feel with my arms around, how.... Wait hold up. I shook my head and so did she. Damn this bond is messing with me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's okay, why are you awake then?" I got from the coach.
"I couldn't sleep. Was, am hungry." Her face was pink. She's so cute. No, that's Berry's definition.
"Come on." I took her hand and we froze then ran to the kitchen, had something to eat then back to bed.
"Hey Hunter. Can we speak?" I heard Berry at the door. I looked at the sleeping Sky in my arms then at the door. I kissed her forehead and later asked myself why I did it. "Hi."
"Hi. What's up?" I put on my coat.
"Is there something going on that we don't know?"
"Why do you ask that?"
"I don't know, you both seem disturbed. Like something big is wrong." Don't give me those eyes. Okay, to anyone it would seem like the same but his pupils widens and the blue gets darker when ever he is curious.
"We'll deal with it. It always works out. Where's Trevor?"
"He's busy. He had to talk to the people. They are calling him Prince and something's not adding up." He twirled his hair. I loved to do that. "Something's changed since yesterday."

The Dragon Queen.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt