Chapter One: L.A here I come!"

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Aliciea's POV

I had just got of the plane to go to my apartment shared with Kalel Cullen. Oh, I forgot to describe myself. Hey, I'm Aliciea Katrine Diaz. I'm 19 years old. I have dark brown hair, and indigo blue eyes. I'm Puerto Rican, and the craziest outgoing girl in like the whole world! Kalel is my best friend! She is so down to earth and hilarious! Soon, she is having a Christmas party, because in two weeks, Christmas is coming. So as I get ready, I hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Kalel shouts. " Hey babe" I hear. Anthony is here. "ANTHONY " I shout and run down the stairs. I jump and land on Anthony and tackle him.

" What the hell!" Anthony shouts. I get up and hug him. "Oh, hey Ali" he laughs. Now, you are probably wondering why people know me, well, I always come to visit Jenn, or jennxpenn, during holidays because she is my best friend. Also, Kalel is my cousin, and my favorite one too. Anyway, I ran back upstairs to change into my red dress, green flats, and my green bow. I hear the doorbell ring, and Anthony answers it. "Hey Jenn" he says. "JENN!" I exclaim and I run down stairs and find her. "Oh my god, ALI!" She shouts and we give each other a hug. "Oh my god, how have you been?" She says. "Fine, I just moved in, how's it going with you and Sam?" I say, smirking. Sam Pottorff is Jenn's crush. "Yea, well how's it going with you and Connor." She smirks. "HE DOESNT KNOW ME JENN!" I shout.

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU ACTUALLY MET HIM, THEN HE WILL LIKE YOU!" She shouts back. Kalel come out of the kitchen. "What's going on!?" She asks. "Absolutely nothing." I mutter then run up to my room. Someone knocks on my door. " Ali, it's Jenn, let me in" " Ok" I reply and I let her in. "You know, I'm doing a colab with Connor tomorrow, you can come, and I will help you get him." She says. "Then I'll invite Sam over, and you guys can talk also." I say. Sam is like my brother, I can trust him with anything. " I love you!" She exclaims, then hugs me. "Great minds think alike." I say as I hug her back. We go back downstairs to greet the other people, and then we sit down. "SELFIE TIME!" I say, then Jenn and I get out our phones. Expect this, this happens once a day. We each take like 20 selfies, and we launch Instagram. Jenn posts the one where we look like models, and I post the one where we look like divas. Her post says,"@jennxpenn: At a Christmas party with the one and only @alikd, taking her to @connorfranta house tomorrow #someonehasacrush" Mine says "@alikd: At this party with @jennxpenn, were going to @connorfranta house! Can't wait! @sampottorff you have to come too! #someonehasacrush" We both laugh and go to enjoy the party.

Connor's POV

As I scroll through Instagram, I see Jenn has posted something. I see her picture, and it's her with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I read the description, and I comment back, "@connorfranta: Who's this @alikd, she's adorable, bring her over tomorrow?@jennxpenn" I can't believe I commented that, oh well.

Sam's POV

I get a notification from Instagram, from Ali! OMG she is here! I see the pic, and read the post. I call her. "Hello?" She says. "Hey Ali, how have you been?" "Oh my god, Sam! Hey, yeah I've been great!" Ali says. "Can you hang out tomorrow?" I ask " Actually, I'm going to Connor's house with Jenn." She replies. Jenn, even her name gives me butterflies. " I was gonna ask if you wanted to come too, since it will only be us at the house, everyone else has plans." She says. "Sure, of course!" I say. " See you tomorrow Sammy, bye. " Bye." I say. I jump up, and run to my closet, I just HAVE to look good for Jenn!

Jenn's POV

I got a notification from Instagram, from Connor? I read the comment. OMG! I run to where Ali was having a conversation with Ian and Melanie. "Ali, can I talk to you?" I ask "Sure" she says and excuses herself. " What's with all the hoopla?" She asks." Well, look at this!" I show her the comment, and her eyes almost popped out of their eye sockets! "Are you joking with me?" She asks. "NO!" I say, and we both jump up and down. " By the way, when I called Sam and mentioned you, he whispered that even your name gives him butterflies!" Ali says. " For real! Are you playing with me?" I ask "NO!" She says and we jump up and down again. The party was soon over, and I fell asleep full and happy.

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