The guys finished eating their pancakes and the waitress wrote her number on the check and we paid and the guys signed the check. We had about an hour till it was time for day 2. We just went back to the venue and hung out.

Before we knew it all the fans came running in.

(A/n I'm trying something new since one of guys brought it to my attention)

{Fans's Pov}

After the guards let us in we were all running to the front of the stage. It was about to happen. We were all going to finally see out heros in real life. Not behind a phone screen or our laptop.

Mahogany came out on stage and started playing music and everyone was dancing and singing. It was so much fun to talk to random strangers and become friends. We all talked about our favorite boy and other things.

Finally the guys came on the stage. It felt so unreal that we were all seeing and meeting our heros. They are smiling at us and telling us that they love us. Every fan wants to hear that their favorite Magcon boy loves them.

After watching them make a complete fool of themselves, it's time to meet them. All the girls lined up to meet the guys. It was time to meet them.

The girls were crying and smiling. It was amazing to see that the guy take the time out of their life's to meet us. It seems like they have a lot of time for this stuff but they have to live their normal life's too. It's crazy to see that they have grown so much from all of the fans and everyone.

Yes, there are only going to get bigger and bigger. But that's where we stand by them and never let them down. We have to be there for them when they are getting hate and going through hard times. We are their support.

Sometimes we don't like what they do but it's their life. They want to live it the way they want. Yes, the guys are going to get girlfriends and get married one day. That's when we have to be there. We have to support their decision. We can't go around hating on that girl just because she is dating our favorite guy. They need to meet people and spend time with them. It's hard to see a girl with a guy you love with all your heart but we have to be their for them. They were their for us and we have to be there for them.

The guys care so much about us it's unbelievable. They chose to meet us. They chose to skip school and travel everywhere just to see us. It makes me so happy that they do this for us.

Just watching them be theirselves on the stage just makes me so happy. It was all because of vines that we found them and they found us. Now we are all here watching them live their dream right in front of us.

We are their dreams. We made their dreams come true. And they are making our dreams come true by coming to a event called Magcon.

Magcon is where their dreams started. But it's not where their dream end.



Well that chapter was sad. The ending was my thoughts on everything. I was going to do something different but end up writing that.

Well I have to get my schedule tomorrow, I have a party to go to HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSANDRA!!, ONE DIRECTION CONCERT ON SUNDAY!!!, And then school on Tuesday. So I am packed.

I hope everyone who started school had a great week and to everyone who starts Monday or Tuesday or another day have a great first day of school! Shh look for new people (cute guys 😉) and be friends with them! That's what I am going to do and who knows I could make a guy bestfriend this year. I have like 2 so yeah. But have a great start!!

Thank you guys so much for everything you guys do! Thanks you so much for 638.8k read and all the votes! You guys mean so much to me. I have made so many friends because of this silly book. I never thought that I would have so many read and have some girls fan girl over me because I kiked them back. I just want you guys to know that you guys have made me so happy and helped me in ways that y'all don't even know. When I am having a bad day because of school or something I can look at the comments and laugh because of so many of you guys. It's amazing to think that I made so many friends that I haven't met yet and that you guys care. Thank you guys so much! I LOVE YOU GUYS WITH ALL MY HEART!


You can get a shout out by commenting something funny or something random. Comment anything you want. I will have Cassandra or someone pick who gets the shout out.

Thanks you guys so much!



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