Chapter 38

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{Matthew's Pov}

Today we are going to some hotel in Dallas for Magcon. Everyone got up early since we have to be there at 8 in the morning. I am excited to meet all of my fans. I mean I get to experience this with all my friends

I woke up before everyone so I made breakfest for everyone. Carter comes in the kitchen to see what's cooking.

"Are you excited to go to the first Magcon?" Carter asked me.

"Yeah I'm just nervous I don't want to be on stage and mess up you know?" I asked.

"Yeah mostly you don't want to mess up in front of Natalie!" Carter smirked.

"Suree... Well I am going to get ready before everyone else gets up" I walked to the guest bathroom am heard music and I can't tell who it is though.

"We've been through a thousand heartbreaks But you know we still believe We wear the same shirts as our fathers And our hearts upon our sleeve" (a/n name the song for a shout out!ps if you know the song I love you!)

Whatever song that is its catchy!


We are in this limo that Bart rented for us. Everyone is laughing and having fun. The music is turned up all the way and Nash and Cam are singing some song.

We are in Dallas now and everyone is really nervous to meet everyone. I am sitting next to Carter and Natalie. I am trying not to shake because I am nervous so I play with my finger to keep distracted.

Before I know it Carter is pushing me out of the limo. "Hurry up Matthew! Stop being slow!" Carter yelled at me.

I walk over to Cameron and stand by him since everyone is still getting out of the limo.

I guess we are at the back of the hotel since I don't hear any screaming girls. But we did get her early to find our places and get set up.

We walk into the hotel and Bart checks us is and we walk around trying to find the room we are setting Magcon up in.

We finally find the room and Natalie and Hallie and Hayes go to the other side of the room and lay down.

I walk over to Natalie and lay down beside her.

"Hey, are you tried?" I asked her. She turned towards me and smiled.

"Yeah just a little. Go help the guys I think they need you" She laughed pointing towards Carter and Taylor trying to set up the meet and greet things.

"Yeah I guess so. Will you help me set up my things?" I stuck out my lip and put my hands together.

"Ugh Okay, help me up!" she stuck her hand up and we walked to the spot where my meet and greet was going to be.


*This is no ones Pov just what is happing at Magcon*

"Welcome to Magcon! We are glad you are here today! Lets being out the guys!" Bart said into the microphone.

All the guys were really nervous and jumping up and down.

"Nash Grier! Cameron Dallas! Matthew Espinosa! Taylor Caniff! Jack and Jack! Carter Reynolds! Shawn Mendes! Aaron Carpenter!" they came out one by one.

The crowd screamed as the guys made the their way to the stage. The lights shined bright on all of them. They waved to the crowd and looked at all the posters and fans went crazy!

Mahogany played 'Midnight Memories' by One Direction and the crowd sang and so did the boys. They were all dancing on the stage.

The boys threw out some of their shirts that were signed. The girls fought over the shirts and the guys laughed at how much their fans love them.

They did some games and answered some questions from the fans. They danced to 'LipGloss' and other songs. They all had the biggest smiles on their faces and were laughing.

It was time for the meet and greets. Everyone got into the lines and met the boys. Some girls were crying and some had the biggest smiles on their faces.

There were a lot of girls and everyone's lines and in Matthew's lines one girl stuck out to him.

She had on one of his shirts and was wearing a beanie. She had been crying and Matthew asked why?

"I finally get to meet the guy who saved my life" she showed him her wrist and the cuts were fading but still visible.

"Aww! Please don't cut yourself , You are strong I can tell. I love you and stay strong beautiful!" Matthew gave her a kiss on the cheek and wrote on her arm "Stay Strong" he hugged her and made sure he followed her on twitter.

There were many fans who told Matthew he was their life saver and how much they loved him.

It made him sad but happy at the same time. He saved people's life's just by a app. He can't believe that this is happing to him.

After the meet and greet the guys talked to fans and sang songs even though most of them can't sing.

Shawn played guitar and sang songs and Jack and Jack sang too.

They were all happy and excited.

Matthew did trip over a cord the fans laughed because Matthew tried to play it off cool, but failed. They all were being stupid and just having fun.

Magcon day 1 was almost over but they have another day of Magcon and all the guys are happy about that.

For Magcon day 2 is where they fans get to see Jc, Sam, and Brent if they got the special passes.

That means they get to see more of their fans and hang out with them.

They say their goodbyes and walk off the stage and head to their hotel rooms. They are being loud in the hallways and talking about hot girls they met today.

They all go to Matthew and Carter's room and hang out. They make vines and YouTube videos.

They are all being silly and Nash brings out the shaving cream and smacks Matthew. They all get shaving cream and do smack cam! Sam tricks all the guys and there is shaving cream everywhere.

After their "Little" smack cam they all decide to go to their rooms and sleep.

Matthew and Carter are cleaning up since no one else did but Natalie, Hallie, and Madi. After the get done cleaning they say their good nights and go to their rooms.

They are all really tried and hit the bed waiting for tomorrow to come. They all dream about meeting fans and Magcon.

They don't know what's going to happen tomorrow but its something big.

Really big.


The start sucks sorry I rushed to put this up. Cliff hanger! Tell me what you thought it will get better I couldn't think of anything to do. I won't update till next Sunday because I'm going to church camp I'm really excited!

I saw TFIOS yesterday and OMG I was dying I'm there! I was crying a river! The tears wouldn't stop! My new favorite movie goes to 'The Fault In Our Star'! Love the book and movie!

Thanks for reading and I set up the casting for the book so go check it out? Vote? Comment? Check out my other book please it would mean a lot!

Thanks guys!


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