Chapter 18

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{Natalie's pov}

I called Cameron and asked him where he has been all this time. "Hey Cameron Alexander Dallas where have been!" I yelled though the phone. "I have been trying to reach you because I need to talk to you... I have been busy fixing things with people but we really need to talk... will you meet me at the Hampton?" he asked "I don't know Cam... Alyssa has her regionals swim meet today and it is the last one" I said. "Okay I guess we can meet up after? But I know I have been gone for 3 days now but I am coming home today so I can get ready for Magcon even though it in a week" he said. "Well Cameron I got to go to Alyssa's meet and I have to go get Madi and I guess Brent because he doesn't have a ride bye Cameron" I say then hang up.

I go get Brent first and then Madi. When I get to Cameron's house, Brent and Shawn are waiting outside. We talk about Alyssa and how much Brent really like her he said he is really excited to cheer Alyssa on and he hopes she places in the swim meet. We pull up to Madi's house and Nash and Madi were waiting for me.

We drove to the place where Alyssa has her swim meets. We find a really good spot in the stands all of the swimmers haven't come out yet. I am sitting next to Shawn and Brent is acting really impatient.

After the swim meet is over we all wait for Alyssa to take a quick shower because we are going to take her out to dinner. She got 1st place in her swim meet which is really good because she went against Aledo and they are the best at mostly everything!

Shawn is driving my car because he is such a gentleman! When are driving "turn down for what" comes on the radio. We all start singing and we have all the radio blasting and the windows down and Nash stuck his head out the window. We finally get to Babe's Chickens. "Hurry up Nash get out of the car!" Madi yelled. We were all waiting for Madi and Nash to get out of my jeep (a/n the kind that you can take the top off and the doors).

Shawn and I shared the grilled chicken plate. Amelia and Brent but got fried chicken. Nash and Madi both shared the chicken fingers. After we were finished Alyssa wanted Starbucks so we drove there.

We dropped Alyssa and Brent off at her house. Then I drop off Madi and Nash at her house then that leaves Shawn and I. We end up going by Cameron's house to get Shawn a swimming suite because we are going to go swimming at my house.

When we walk in Matthew is sitting on the couch looking really upset. "Hey Shawn I am going to talk to Matthew for a minute so take your time" I say "Alright babe" he said then smiles.

"Hey Matt are you alright you look upset?" I ask "No I am not alright I really like this girl but she is starting to see this other guy... and I think she like him more then me and its been a couple of days since we have hung out" he said really sad. "Aww Matthew I am sorry if the girl doesn't talk to you in the next couple of days then I would try to forget about her that how I am with Luke he hasn't called me or texted me in almost a year now" I say and I can feel tears starting to form. "Natalie there is no reason to think about him right now if he really loved you then he would tell you everyday I know I would" he said with a smile. "Are you ready to go Natalie?" Shawn asked "yeah I will meet you in my car" I said. "Matthew maybe you can come over tomorrow and we can hang out?" I ask "Yeah I would like that" he said with a smile again man so I love Matthew's smile! "Okay I will text you okay? See you later Matt!" I say and hug him then run out.

When we get to my house no one is home! I am glad because then I would have to tell my parents who Shawn is and everything! It's would be so embarrassing!

We get into my backyard and my boxer jumps on Shawn and starts to lick his face. After Kingston (my dog's name) licks Shawn's face off we go swimming. We have Swimming races and stuff that kids would do! He is such a kid at heart that's what I love about any guys!

"So Natalie have you made your decision yet? I don't mean to push you or anything but I want to know it is driving my crazy I am in love with you Natalie I know we just met a week ago but I know that out if the 2 girls I have dated I have never felt this way before about any girl" he said "Awww Shawn you are so sweet maybe if you ask me a question I will answer that question" I said with a wink. "Okay Natalie will you be my Girlfriends?" he asked you could tell he was nervous. "Uhh let me think about it... Yes!!" I said the I hugged him. He leaned in to kiss me. When we kissed I felt fireworks, he made me feel like I am the only girl in the world.

After we get done swimming we go inside to grab a snack. I hear a knock on my front door so I go to see who it is. I never thought that I would every see this person every again!


Thank you guys so much for the 8.4k!! It's means so much to me!! Vote maybe?Thanks so much guys!!



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