"Dada." Leanne burst into the twins room. "Baby cry." She pouted.

Elijah looked up from getting Ever dressed and sighed. He quickly put her shoes on and shook August awake, telling him to hurry and get ready.

"Lele let Ever help put your shirt on, I'll be back." He bypassed her and rushed his way up the steps.

Heading into the room and hearing the vicious cries of his youngest, caused him to pick up the pace and make his way towards her. She laid on the other side of Sophia, screaming and kicking as Sophia just stared at the wall brick of any emotion.

"You didn't hear her?" Elijah sucked his teeth as he picked Messiah up and began swaying and shushing her.

Sophia ignored him and Elijah felt himself growing upset so he made his way into the bathroom, so that he could bathe Messiah and be on his way.

"Don't worry baby." He placed kisses on her nose as she stirred in his arms. "Mommy won't be like this forever." He explained as he ran her bath water. "She's a really good person." He rubbed over her hair. "I just fucked her up and stressed her out too much. It's my fault, I know it." He placed her in her baby bath tub. "She'll be up and running and back to normal pretty soon. Then you'll see the side of her that we all know and love."

Messiah smiled up at him, causing his heart to smile too.

The past months had been really tough for him. From struggling with Sophia and her disorder, to basically taking care of a newborn by himself and a toddler along with twin kids every other week, then balancing his businesses and trying his best to get over Miami—he was exhausted, stressed, and over it. If this was God's way of delivering his Karma, he was doing a pretty damn good job.

Elijah couldn't even remember the last time he had a decent night of sleep. He needed a break but if his children weren't good then he wasn't either, so that break would have to pushed back until further notice.

After fifteen minutes or so, he had finally gotten Messiah to settle down, she was now fully dressed and laid out on her boppy, with her pacifier in her mouth.

After fifteen minutes or so, he had finally gotten Messiah to settle down, she was now fully dressed and laid out on her boppy, with her pacifier in her mouth

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Elijah began to pack a bag. He needed to shower but he know knew better than to leave Sophia and the baby alone, so he would just do it at his mother's house.

Sophia picked her head up to see Elijah packing and then looked over at Messiah who was looking at her with so much innocence. She reached her hand over and touched her two month old daughter, and she didn't feel a thing. She rubbed over her small belly and her chubby legs which resulted in Messiah kicking and squirming. Sophia looked at her blankly, before taking a big step by leaning all the way over and picking her up.

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