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Chapter 11

I could feel my head hurting.
I got shot though.
I try opening my eyes but they feel so heavy.
"I think she'll wake up soon." A voice says in the distance.

I want to make that statement true but I'm so tired.


"I wonder why she's not waking up." Another voice echos in what feels to be an empty room.

Gosh. It feels like I'm spying on them. I force myself to try to open my eyes.

I finally am able to open my eyes. Allie and Talia are on the couch. I'm so glad they're safe. Allie must have a broken right arm and Talia have a black left eye. Except for a few scratches they are fine. There's someone I don't know in the room. He's dressed in a long white robe so I guess he's a doctor.

Talia sees that my eyes are open and she tells the doctor. She rushes to my side. I want to tell her 'hi' but I'm too tired and I close my eyes again.

I fall asleep.


"I-I w-wish she could wake up." I hear a woman's voice murmuring. "Please, Milena. You need to wake up."

I have a feeling it might be our summer camp's director, Thea.

I feel so tired. What is wrong with me?

"You might be in danger again." I hear a man's voice whispering. I guess he didn't want Thea to hear him. I heard a door close and footsteps walking away.

"Wake up!" He orders.

I try to open my eyes. They feel so heavy. I see a blurry figure. I guess it's not a ghost since the room isn't cold. His voice sounded so far away.

I try to open my eyes and the first thing I see is Logan.

No way!

Why would he care if I'm not waking up? What did he mean I might be in danger?
That dude is a mystery I can't solve nor do I want to. I hear him walk away to the couch. I try to keep my eyes open so I could try and ask some questions. I suddenly see his surprise look because he walks to me again.

"Hey." He softly whispers. "You're awake. You should try to stay here. they're coming and they aren't friendly." He vaguely tells me.

"Wh-what... Who?"

"I can't tell you but you need to be awake when they arrive. They're coming soon." He exhales. " Or at least alive." He murmurs for himself.

Then he looks at the door, "I need to leave. I was never here, okay?!"

"Okay, but w-why?" I ask him, staring into his gold eyes.

"Because then you'd be in more trouble." He softly says. He then opens the door, look right and left and leaves quickly.

It's been at least 10 minutes since Logan left and no one came. Did he just incorrectly heard the people coming for my room?

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