28. They're together PART 2

Start from the beginning

"What?" I said bristly. I wasn't just going to forgive and forget.

"Come downstairs" his voice responded.

"Why?" I decided to keep my responses short, not really in the mood to have a conversation like our usual.


"Why?" I continued interrogating. "It's cold"

"I have a surprise for you, Princess. And I swear I'll explain the dance later. Please just come down" He pleaded.

"Okay fine" I sighed just before hanging up. I was excited, to be honest, even though I tried to keep any emotion out of my voice. There was no point of me pretending that this meant nothing. My heart was already having problems staying at a normal rate. I threw on a cardigan over my pajamas and tiptoed to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I jumped when I heard Rikki's voice from behind me. I tried not to laugh at the state of her hair.

"Nate is d-"

"Okay go. Don't let him leave you in tears again" She responded, waving me off. I gave her a quick hug before silently making my way through the hallways and running down the stairs.

I saw him, leaning against the car. I could go totally cliche at this second, and tell you how the moonlight swum in the depths of his blu orbs and how his blonde hair reflected heavenly in the night.

But he looked nothing like that.

He actually looked creepy. All I could see from my position was a dark silhouette leaning against the car. The only reason I even recognised him was because of his car.

I slowly walked towards him. He looked up and met my eyes, and the smile he gave me almost made me forget why I was angry at him in the first place. It was hard for me to keep a stiff face, and not smile back at him. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to speak.

"I thought you wouldn't come" he said, somewhat breathlessly. I shrugged. "Well firstly," he said, pausing after those words. I was about to ask him what, but he grabbed my chin and crashed his lips onto mine. I couldn't even stop from responding.

The kiss was demanding, like we'd missed so much time in the few hours that we weren't talking. The urgency resembled that of a person about to miss their flight. The passion was mesmerising, as I clung to him. Time stopped.

I pulled away first, somehow managing to stop myself. He rested his forehead on mine. I suddenly remembered why I was angry at him, and I tried pulling away all together, but his firm hand on my waist stopped me.

"Secondly, I'm sorry, for the dance. I'll explain later, Princess. But first, I have to show you a surprise. Will you come with me" he spoke. I pretended to think for a while, contemplate, but we all knew I was going to say yes.


"Where are we going?" I asked my golden question. As expected, Nate just smirked secretively, keeping his eyes on the road. I huffed, rolled my eyes and slacked back into my seat, not even bothering to ask him again.

"This better be good" I muttered, glancing at the analogue clock in car.

12:28 am

"Lets hope so" he mumbled.

It was another 15 minutes before the car came to a halt. I looked out the window and couldn't stop the small smile that formed on my face. I recognised the place. Nate hurried over to my side, being the gentleman he is, and opened the car door for me, gesturing for me to step out. I inhaled deeply, loving the smell of nature.

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