Sneak Peak - From My Universe to Yours

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"Tom? Is he out there again?" They heard a quiet familiar voice call from their left. Turning their attention to the Dark brunette, with a moustache on his higher lip, sporting his usual attire of a dark green dress shirt, light brown jeans. Except he also wore a light purple rain jacket and blue scarf.

"Eduardo? Oh yeah... He is." Tom response friendly with a sad smile to their old neighbour, as Tord next to him slightly moves close to the middle of the umbrella holding on to Tom's arm nervously. The other two staring down at him looking back up from his horn haired friend.

"How are you?" Tom spoke harboring a sad smile his way as Eduardo took his time to reach the two close friends, under his red umbrella, Tord was being quiet and hiding from Eduardo, like the usual since the giant robot thing. Tord was quiet when ever Eduardo took it in his mind and not wanting to drown in his sorrow about his two friends whom over that both sadly passed away due to two different events.

"Me, I was just visiting Mark and Jon and giving them late birthday gifts. Surprisingly their birthdays are kinda close." He chuckles, looking back to the two gravestones not so far from where they all stood. Engraved in the stones where dates and names.

"Hey it's a good thing you remembered at least. Edd... Uh he forgets about the world and comes to sit here, whatever the weather may be like." Tom sighs tired of remembering when their friend left, Tom and Tord would work all the strength have to get Edd in the car to go home, it was too unhealthy for him to be here all the time, only to find him missing in the mornings and once having to report him as a missing person.



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