Chapter 9: Christmas

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Fooling around.

What do we do for Christmas you ask?

We have gifts.

The owner of the manor is at least kind enough to hand us some gifts.

I have this random book given to me saying:

Dear Ms Emily Dyer,

Christmas is here, I hope you are enjoying your time at the manor. Here enclosed is a book of alchemistry, hoping you will be able to improve your impression of your own special ability. Also enclosed is 2 dresses for you, a forest version, in view of the upcoming spring, and a graduate version. Hope you will continue enjoying your stay here.

Owner of Oletus Manor


I can't complain.

They seem to be perfect for me.

Giving a little twirl in my new dress, I realised that Emma also had some gifts.

"Hey, look at this. I have this new and apparently "very expensive" dress. Something very cool, I would say."

Her dress was of a deep blue with alternating white, and a bonnie over her head.

She let out a little squeal and ran out like some little girl who saw a doll that she lost for a few days.

I went out into the fun, and maybe with a little drop over at someone's room.

I inserted the key into the knob of room 1E04.

I entered and shut the door behind me, enclosing me into the darkness.

"Uh... Anybody?"

The lights came on and a female stepped into it, squinting her eyes.

"Oh, Em!"

Martha threw a hug around me.

"Girl! Where have you you been?"

"Um... in my room?"

"Of course, what am I asking?" Martha chuckled.

It was also when I noticed that Martha... also had a new set of costume.

I let out a low whistle.

"Woweee.. nice, hot clothes you got there. Naib would go crazy about you..."

"Yes he would. It's the black swan costume I made myself."

The next thing I knew, Naib was staring at Martha's back, with his mouth gaping. The first thing when he woke up.

I stifled a little laugh as I pointed out behind Martha.

She wheezed a little before calming herself and turning around.

"Well, my love, do you like it?"

Naib's expression was the most ridiculous one that I have seen in 20 years.

His mouth hanged under the iconic hoodie that he wears.

All the remaining thing he did was to nosebleed as he continued staring at her.

She did a little spin and it just worsened Naib's nosebleed.

I helped clean it up while she continued spinning in front of him like a dancer.

While they continued minding their stuff, I headed out to enjoy the festivities laid out by the owner of the manor, with the best food out of all the time displayed across the dining table.

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